--xbox doesnt have a market in japan --360 sold 2 units on the last week (yes 2) --xb1 sold 62 units --same week xb1 sold 58,000 units that week(world wide) --and PS4 sold 157,000units(os4 usually sells right under 3 times what xb1 sells)
--it is the reason xbox has been dropping the price and dropping those RIDICULOUS bundles --and it also the reason they came up with scorpio --last ditch effort --to help rebuilt interest and faith in the brand
@dexda: --i assure you --scorpio does not physically exist(maybe they built a powerful gaming pc made of parts from newegg) --it is basic business and understanding the techniques businesses use to build and keep their products alive --xb1 sales NEVER 'took off' --and after the slight boom the holidays offered xb1 in sales(usually not 1/3 what PS4 was selling~even wiiU was giving xb1 a run for sales and still is) --xb1 sales quickly crawled to almost a halt --this is why the price of xb1 was dropped twice(now sitting at 279$) --this is also why they started doing RIDICULOUS bundle deals(basically giving the console away) --not for the profit --but for the sales charts numbers --so --they do basically EVERYTHING they can think of to get xb1 to sell --and it doesnt work(the charts are dismal) --they need a new plan --they pull out one of the OLDEST tricks in the product marketing strategy books --they announce a BEAUTIFUL BRIGHT TOMORROW for the product --the greatest thing to happen to gaming consoles since ever --the amazing SCORPIO!! --now? --interest in the Xbox brand is heightened(xbox the brand seems more legitimized) --but --they ONLY did it to sale the xb1slims(and the existing xb1s) --scorpio makes xb1 look like a viable competitor --but --xb1 has NEVER competed with ps4 --xb1 is a failure(and is making the xbox brand look WRETCHED) --scorpio is a last effort attempt to sell xb1s
--will there be a scorpio? --maybe in like 2-3 years --if you are looking forward to scorpio --get used to the world "delayed"
@dexda: --look back --and pay close attention --all there is is a picture of a black mother board --and testimonials by developers(which are obviously persuaded and paid to read script type endorsements) --then --just a bunch of faux hype based on rumors --there is more proof bigfoot exists
--i hate the backwards compatibility on xb1 --the only game i ever put on there was red dead --then --i transferred my save file(all trophies~400hrs+ in MP~most of the MP golden guns) --a real pride of my life(having all those trophies) --but NOW --there is a 2nd RDR popping up in my trophies list(saying i have 0 trophies) --yet --i cant make it pop trophies
--plus --i cant get into the MP lobbies --give me a break --i just went back to playing 8th gen games --who cares about this BC crap? --not me
@sleepnsurf: --it is a standard xb1 controller --with different thumbsticks --and 4 quick button/levers(or whatever they are called on the back) --and a different texture with new cosmetics --hint --you can get ALL KINDS of different thumbsticks on ebay(for both consoles) --for like 1-10$ --also --if you blow out one of your thumbstick gearboxes(which is what those long stems on the elite controller will do) --you can order the exact ones that xb and ps use on their controllers(they are both the same including the elite) --for about 2 dollars --and replace them with amateur level soldering skills
--the elite controller is a xb1 controller --with about 20$ of stuff added to it --that costs almost 100$ more than a regular xb1 controller
--i own the 360 GOW3 controller --it is UGLY --this one is less ugly --but .. burgundy? --why burgundy?
--also --here is a pro tip if you havent figured this out --around 90-100% of the time you are gaming --you cant see your controller --ya know --cause you have to look at the screen
--whatever --i just come here to talk video games --if you wanna get all sore and butthurt --and take it out on people personally --that is your problem --not mine
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