@smokerob79: --microsoft does not 'control' the 8th gen home console market --and they dont even make PC hardware(and everything they make sucks donkey balls) --xbox has NEVER made microsoft any money(turnover) --it is rumored that since it conception(in the late 1990s) --the xbox brand has cost MS as much as 300billion in un-returned investments(yes 300BILLION)
--maybe i am dumb --i mean --how smart does one REALLY have to be --to know jack shit about the video game industry? --a market of which i just happen to know(and understand) A LOT about --so --i dont know which part you think i am "dumb" about --but being vague and calling names is not my game
@blackamerica: --my numbers are reality --xbox is STEADILY selling WAY less than ps4(which means it is failing at the competition~BADLY) --i am just saying the xb1slim isnt gonna sell anymore copies than the original --i am predicting it will sell less(a lot less)
--scorpio is a myth --all it is --is a picture of a fake black motherboard --and a bunch of developers paid off by xbox to read a script --so --what does sony do in response? --in a matter of days --they get an inside source to figure out what scorpio is --find out is nothing --and they then announce their own nothing(neo~and it is coming even SOONER!!~here is a word for you to get used to "delayed") --there WILL be a xb4 and a ps5 --but scorpio and neo are just myths --why? --it was done by Microsoft to rebuild interest in their brand(that is all) --xb1 is failing PRETTY BADLY man(and the brand has been going under FAST for years) --i watch sales numbers(it is a bad habit of mine) --MS is basically giving xb1s away(these days) --yet they still are not selling(so they make up a super duper futuristic xb to dream about~and it immediately makes the current xb look A LOT more relevant~but more importantly the xb brand)
"...Fallout 2 had these awesome faces for major NPCs when you went into a conversation with them... awesome in 1999..." bbq_R0ADK1LL
--exactly --if you 'look back' to every single generation --and you look at the best games(still today) --they are NEVER the games that had "the best graphics" in their time --it is always the quirky little games --usually not very realistic graphics --but MASSIVELY enticing gameplay
--the keyword is game --it has to be a great 'game' to be a great game --not a great 'looking' game
--you are "ignorant"of xb1 sales numbers --since day one ps4 has outsold xb1 by 2 and usually closer to 3 times a week --as of today --xb1 is 28% of the 8th gen home console market --ps4 is 54% --xb1 sales slowed down over the last year to become closer to wiiU's numbers --this is why xbox dropped the price 2-3 times and started doing massive bundles(to keep sales figures healthy) --this is why xbox came up with "scorpio"(to build faith in the xbox brand again) --and --i just spew facts --i am playing horizon 2 on xb1 at the moment(just finished sunset overdrive~messing with halo 5~state of decay) --while for my main gaming i use ps4(mostly play destiny so i can play with the most friends at once) --and i am getting ready to play "until dawn" --the good thing about "ignorance" is that many times there is a quick fix
--i know the only reason i have an HBO subscription is for GoT --im sure im not the only one --about the time i get around to cancelling it --it is close enough time to wait for GoT first
--my point is --this is probably being done by hbo --to hold on to those few million subscribers(like me) for a few more months --because --with the HUGE rise in AMAZINGLY high quality shows coming from netflix originals(along with everything else they offer) --hbo is not gonna be around but so much longer --even a few months of millions of subscribers could help them(20,000,000$ a month for every 1,000,000 subscribers)
TheZeroPercent's comments