--Nintendo used the same marketing scheme for wiiU that they did for 3ds --after they got the console 'ready to go'(after launch~console launches are almost always slow) --they dropped a mario kart game --and one other big AAA nintendo game(for 3ds it was mario 3ds land) --for 3ds it was a sales catapult! --3ds went from being a total failure to becoming a MASSIVE success over the next year(and so on into this day)
--they used basically the same exact technique with wiiU --they dropped mario 8 in the summer of 14 --and then ssmU(holdiays 14) was supposed to have that 'catapult effect' on wiiU that had happend on 3ds --except --it just didnt work --the reason it didnt work can be speculated --but the fact is --Nintendo expected mario kart 8 & SSB to catapult the wiiU to success(and when it didnt work nintendo was left holding the bag) --ssmU failed wiiU(and nintendo) --and the wiiU game is considered a failure
@donderpants: --wiiU is officially dead hardware(no more AAAs) --Nintendo said it vaguely --at least playstation came right out and said it about vita --but either way --Nintendo has shelved wiiU --simply because it is/was a HUGE failure(there is no arguing this fact)
"...I take pride in writing texts with at least semi-proper spelling, grammar, and punctuation..." --well it is great that you are a writer(congrats) --but you must understand --that WELL over the majority of the world --has given up on proper grammar in their texts(and most of their daily internet based writing)
--when we stand on the outskirts of humanity --and refuse to accept other's realities(unless they are exactly as our own) --we have either become insane --or old fashioned
@o311rocks: --you can always go to ebay --you may have to pay a slight premium(for not being the early worm) --but youll be able to get your hands on one
--it IS gaming news --and it is EASILY the most interesting news 'caused by a game' EVER --about the only thing that comes close is the fear that R* has caused from time to time --but even that isnt ANYWHERE near the 'size' of the effect P-go is having on the ENTIRE world --id guess 99% of gamers(and the general public) have NO IDEA the size of the impact this app is having on the world --about the only people who truly understand --are business types --who understand how much 'fiscal influence' this app has already had on the world --and how much more it will grow before it even begins to peak --we are in for some seriously weird times my friend
--since pokemon go's 1st day or two of success(out of it's like 10 days) --ALL that comes to my mind is --HOLOLENS
--not the pokemon go games itself --just the whole concept(mixing our real world with digital overlays) --please tell me SOMEONE else played the 3ds AR games right around 3ds' launch --and felt like there were looking at AND playing the basics of the future of gaming(or one of gaming's next HUGE steps)
--does anyone who owns this(actually own it no BS) --think the 'core game' is worth the price of initial admission? --really wanna play it --butin my head --it is just ryu and 2 or 3 other characters(for the porcie of a AAA game) --and then 260$ worth of DLC to get the actual game finished
@RedWave247: --quit being a grammar nazi --seriously --go look at your texts --and quit being a hypocrite also --im trying to be your friend --friends dont tell each other they cant be friends unless the other one changes
TheZeroPercent's comments