--last week i bought a xb1 on an amazon deal --i got --a xb1 with it's original controller --a 2nd blue controller(that looks awesome as shit) --a 'pick of four games' coupon pick one from tomb raider2~GOW~rare replay~or forza 6 --a download code for horizon 2 --a download code for 5 digital comic books --a physical copy of the collector's edition of halo 5(steel box~a few card and letter things~and a metal earth statue) --AND ALSO(i am not kidding) a 50$ amazon card --all for --250$
@jokeyjoey2014: --not to mention --last week i bought a xb1 on an amazon deal --i got --a xb1 with it's original controller --a 2nd blue controller(that looks awesome as shit) --a 'pick of four games' coupon pick one from tomb raider2~GOW~rare replay~or forza 6 --a download code for horizon 2 --a download code for 5 digital comic books --a physical copy of the collector's edition of halo 5(steel box~a few card and letter things~and a metal earth statue) --AND ALSO(i am not kidding) a 50$ amazon card --all for --250$ ! (i swear it was supposed to be 280$+tax) --but my credit card only ever got charged like 248$
--i did the math --they basically paid me to take the damn thing --my point is --these deals are gonna get better and better on the original xb1
--man --i mean you havent gotta be a business analyst --to do the math here --xb1 not selling worth a turd --so --lets making a smaller one(with a bigger hard drive) --and sell it for almost double what an xb1 costs??
@bbq_R0ADK1LL: --"game play and fun" --you missed the "fun" part --and the game does have a SLIGHT bit of gameplay(it IS a 'game') --nintendo has a history of producing POPULAR games on less powerful machines --pokemongo just goes even the EXTRA EXTRA mile --to prove graphics are not what makes the best gaming
@raj710: --first she isn't fat AT ALL --and i know this is the internet --but --why say mean things? --it can really hurt someones feeling and self esteem(though im sure she isn't hurt by you) --like --that ugly spot in your mom's secret hole --that your jackass looking face fell out of --as satan laughed and said --"well this one isnt worth wasting my time with"
--it isnt the game 'itself' that matters --it is the 'influence' the game is having(which is reaching 'singularity' levels of growth~not literally) --on not only the gaming world --but the ENTIRE world(literally) --nintendo ONCE AGAIN proves gaming is not about the graphics --but about game-play(fun) --and human interaction
--ha --say what you will --keep the pokemongo news a comin(vs the same ole same ole about DLC packs for games thjat havent released~and such) --shit is always INSANE --and blowing my mind
--I mean 'literally'? --the game was supposed to save wiiU --I study gaming sales(IDK it is just a BAD habit really) --I watched wiiU sales weekly from the get go --there was a SOLID boost in sales around the Christmas that smash came out --and a reasonable boost when MK8 came out(it was looking good) --but like I said --it was a 1-2 hit punch(to catapult wiiU sales) --and they did drop the price of wiiU around this time also(ha I think It was the only time they dropped the price) --but by the next summer wiiU sales had become almost nothing --I mean --obviously the main problem with their plan --was that they did this all at the EXACT same that xb1/ps4 came out ha --hindsight is 20/20 --but the simple fact is that xb1/ps4 were just A LOT more interesting to WELL over the majority of console gamers
--success and failure can be subjective --but at the end of the day --smash didn't sell wiiUs(which was its purpose) --or even help 'get the ball rolling'(wiiU sales basically came to a halt within months of smash's release) --and it just hasn't sold all that well --the fancy exclusives controllers are ALL OVER the internet for like 20$ --and the game is one of the least valuable wiiU AAA titles(they STILL have new copies at gamespot.com)
--they will have to answer nintedo's move --there is just too much money to be made(17 billion$+ ? In less than 2 weeks~that is sony's ENTIRE net worth) --i wouldn't be surprised if both xb and ps blatantly rip pokemon off --using the same format --and just different monsters --but
--whatever they put out --you best believe they will be dropping some crappy apps --they basically have to --unless they are stupid --i hope they dont --and would focus mainly on hardcore console AAAs --but look at the 'motion' frenzy nintendo started with wii --and then look at kinect and move --if you wanna know what the future holds --look at the past
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