--meanwhile --pokemon go has figured out a way for men and women to swap their private parts --mcdonalds approves --and is having a toy line built around it
--this is about as good as gaming news used to get --gaming companies are gonna have to REALLY start 'stepping it up' --to keep up with the ONSLAUGHT of AMAZING stories from the pokemongo world
--haha --i can not lie --these pokemon 'stories/news' --just keep blowing my goddamned mind(with their uniqueness and power of true intrigue)
--i mean --im used to following gaming sites(and their news) --and --it is usually news that is SOOOO normal --like --"video game is being made next year~dlc pack being sold today"(and every one is all like BOOOOO!!!) --but --these pokemon stories make gaming sites like WOOOW --WWWWTF!!!!
--i knew that in our close present --and in our future --smart devices would start taking the world over --and making 'technological changes' more and more rapidly --to the point were the exponential curve starts folding on almost a daily basis(or even in minutes and seconds) --but --i never guessed an app like "pokemon" would sorta be the first 'real' evidence --this is starting to get REALLY weird people
--from where im standing --i remember when ALL that was 'new' was side scrolling --i started gaming hardcore in the summer of 1986(i was 7) --on an atari(i have been hooked every since) --so --i spent almost a decade(which is a LONG time for a 7-17 year old) --before there was real innovation --which was thumbsticks and 3 dimensional gaming --so --the way i see it is --even though the graphics and gameplay are A LOT better(today) --games like tomb raider --and mario64 --laid out the basic framework for the 3rd person 3 dimensional open world(2 decades ago) --but we have had the basics of first person 3 dimensional(FPS) for even longer than that(on PC) --so --it is definitely time for something 'new' --else --we COULD 'literally' end up going backwards --like we did with fighting games(SF4 going back to 'side by side') --i though 3 dimensional fighters where obviously going in the best direction(i was there from their very beginnings) --so when fighters went back to side by side(it was obviously 'going backwards' IMO) --so i mean --if we keep sticking with these 3 dimensional adventure games(as our 'pinnacle' so to speak) --and who knows? --if we dont move forward(innovation) --perhaps we MIGHT just go back to side scrolling(or older genre styles) --as the norm/standard of a AAA --i mean i gotta say --one of the best games ive played in the last few years --was shovel knight
--i think it is sad --that columbia pictures has 'the pull' to get their shitty half ass game reviewed in any way --glad GS told the truth --it is FAIRLY rare that a game gets a damn 3/10 --ha thats terrible
@rasterror: --you need to follow me back --you cant go around expecting others to do what you say --especially if you arent even giving them the proper gaming site etiquette they are giving you --besides --if we are all the same --life is boring --and i just wanna be your GS pal --and you just wanna change me --we can make this work --i promise
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