--man --this F'n shit is really becoming a warped dream --pretty much a nightmare(i think) --what a weird 'amount' of F'n success(in such a short time) --and it JUST KEEPS GROWING --it starting to seem REALLY surreal --like --Jesus is gonna 'come back' and F up the resurrection because he's playing Go(or something like that)
--ive been gaming 30 years --i remember back when pokemon took over the first time --my little cousin(and kids his age) were all "POKEMON POKEMON" --i never liked pokemon --back then it seemed like a 'step backwards' in hardcore gaming to me --seems to be nintendo's MO sometimes(like this app's popularity will be IMO)
--this game scares me --not so much itself alone --but just how 'big' games are starting to get --as if video games were not capable of absorbing enough of my life already --but --honestly --these last coupla years video games have kinda been 'stuck' in the same place(for me) --take fallout 4 for example --a game that back in 2010 would have stole my soul and left me with no reality to 'live in' except in the game --but when i played it(in 2015-16) --it just felt like i had already 'done that' enough that i didnt need to experience it again --and i didnt even finish the story
--i think a good example is wiiU --it is an entire console(with it's own full generation) --of many AMAZING titles --yet --none of them 'took me away'(like they woulda in the past) because there wasn't anything truly 'new' --it is like the classic cliche "been there done that" --not only once --but 'just enough times' that it is time for something new
--with consoles now upgrading hardware on 3 year cycles --computer technologies jumping 'leaps and bounds' every few months --and developers having more and more horsepower to work their magic within --the 'next step' in gaming is becoming COMPLETELY impossible to predict --yesterday all anyone wanted to talk about was the mysterious Scorpio(and all it's power and potential) --today everyone(like kinda literally everyone too) is walking around looking through their phone's camera playing a shit app --but --whatever tomorrow brings(for gaming kind) --i know it will be beautiful --it is just that --it is starting to feel like a whole new world 'all of a sudden' these days --and it does scare me a little --cause i feel like 'getting lost' in the video games of tomorrow --might be a MUCH MORE literal statement than it used to be
--pretty cool --ive been trying to figure out the best way to get a classic nes controller(with classic nes games) into my kid's hands --still not sure if this is the way i wanna do it --but 60$ for all those games is a steal
@silv3rst0rm: --go look at how much nintendo AAA games hold their value --even just early 8th gen games like the marios and zeldas on 3ds --are still almost worth what they cost new --but if you look at gamecube AAAs(and even many wii games) --they are worth at least the original price
--if you wanna invest in gaming --look for special edition nintendo consoles --and collector edition games --buy them in pristine new condition --and have them graded and sealed --it is a better investment than gold(like literally)
@darksouls: --ha no doubt! --can't you just imagine the boardroom meetings at both xb and ps since Go took off --shit is UGLY if you arent Nintendo right this second
--well yeah --monster hunter is DEFINITELY a 'hardcore' game --and i just wish more hardcore gamers could get a shot at it --especially now that consoles are 3 dimensional beasts --the early console MHs were only on ps2(even though they were beautiful ps2 games) --also today's online MP lobbies are fully flush and functional(unlike 6th gen) --at it's core MH is best as a multiplayer experience
--i was SOOO pissed at evolve --because it was a TOTAL monster hunter rip off --of course it was all arcady and a classless POS --but --sigh --i just think monster hunter would win over the hearts of MILLIONS of new fans if it was built by the same developers on an engine that is MANY times stronger than 3ds' --on a nice full size HD tv(at 1080) --and played with a standard controller --yea --it isnt a proven fact --but you have to admit that even though you might wanna disagree with that --it is sorta the way things are
--i mean if you wanna sit back on a 3ds --and pretend that the multiplayer lobby itself is not a MAJOR POS --i mean --i wont keep going on about how 3ds is killing monster hunter --remember --i am not talking about the few million people that always buy MH --i am talking about the dozens of millions of gamers(that have never touched the game) --that could make the franchise one of the top played and adored of all time
@RSM-HQ: --but the franchise is tied to an exclusivity contract with Nintendo --the reason they dont put them on wiiU in the west is because of low wiiU sales --as far as opinions --if youd prefer to play a game as HUGE as MH on a teenie tiny 3ds --that is an opinion --but --it is not exactly how most hardcore gamers want to experience their more indepth hardcore games like MH --and yes --in whichever form you ingest it --MH is one of the greatest gaming franchises EVER(period)
--i just think MILLIONS of hardcore gamers COMPLETELY avoid the game --simply because it is on a portable --and the games usually only sell a very small few million each --id not only love to see a huge AAA console version --id like to know that millions of gamers were getting to enjoy MH like i have --it is EASILY in my top 5 favorite franchises(and ive been gaming since the summer of 1986)
@RSM-HQ: --capcom has an exclusivity contract with nintendo for monster hunter --im sure if they didnt --they would jump ship from nintendo --ESPECIALLY since Nintendo hasnt had a home console install base in YEARS --the reason they didnt put 4u on wiiU is because NOONE was buying the console --but --in japan --there have been like 3 or 4 monster hunters on wiiU(crazy aint it? ~ not even planning on making enough sales to invest in a western adaptation of a game that has already been developed?) --so --i really dont know(why they dont do wiiU ports in the west) --but the game would sell like hotcakes if it was built on a modern 8th gen home console engine IMO
--as far as "jump in jump out" --we could sit for hours each night and play MH3u on wiiU --and could binge for many hours at a time --but on 3ds --the game was a bit 'crampy' even with my circle pad pro --i am saying that the game is better on wiiU(yes~it is a fact~unless you wanna play while on the go or whatever)
TheZeroPercent's comments