@darksouls: --when wii came out --i thought it looked dumb as hell --but we got one and we LOVED it(for a period of time there) --but --if i hadda had any idea how much the success of wii was gonna slow down hardcore gaming --i mean --hopefully xb and PS wont poop all in hardcore gaming chasing this new craze --as bad as they did with motion controls
--gaming is an art form --you gotta let art make itself --you cant 'make art' just to make money --well you can --but it will be some SHITTY art
@RSM-HQ: --mh3 was originally a wii game(not wiiU) --they beefed it up --and made a wiiU remake --IMO one of the best games to play on wiiU
--if 4U was on wiiU --id say start there --but if you wanna just 'get a taste' of monster hunter --3u on wiiU is the best option imo(if you have a wiiU) --unless you want to be cramped up on a 3ds --and like i said --even though the water parts werent my favorites --imo they added A LOT to the hunting skill depth --the new attacks were cool on 4U --but the only one that i really thought was top notch was riding the monsters
--good lord?? ha (al franken though? ha) --this is that kinda publicity companies DIE for --but --as i was preparing to type this comment --someone came up to me and showed me a pokemon meme
--it was a funny meme too(yet sad and scary also ha)
@RSM-HQ: --if you wanna play on the hand held --4u will have more people playing it online --but 3u is still pretty awesome(even on 3ds) --4u has a lot of new features --but for example --i ONLY use the horns --because they are hard to master --and i love being a master horn player for my team --there are new monsters in 4u --but they also left some of the monsters from 3u out --and there are no water sections
--all i am saying is 3u is on wiiU --and i think both games are VERY worthy
@darksouls: --the app has become as popular as twitter(in daily usage) --and it drove nintendo's stock value up 9 billion dollars(nintendo was already worth more than the entire conglomerate of sony) --all in a week! --obviously the game will lose some momentum --but for now? --nintendo has made more money off of the app than they made off of wiiU ever(probably off of 3ds) --it is almost something the average gamer doesnt understand --how HUGE of a financial success this app has become
--this app has set Nintendo up to take the industry over(influence wise) --it is just the way it is --in a capitalistic market --companies slam on brakes and start going other directions REAL fast(like 360's kinect) --the number$ are LUDICROUS --and then the way the game has been a SUPER DUPER viral sensation --we'll be seeing xbox and playstation apps by the end of the year --which SUCKS --because i really only game on full AAA hardcore console titles
--so what? --with bigger games companies send specially 'hired charmers' --to go 'sweet talk' the biggest reviewers --the best salesman --makes you feel like you owe him one --like a really good sales person will ALWAYS leave you feeling great about helping them out
--it is kinda messed up --Microsoft probably spent more money on the scorpio advertisement(just the ad from E3) --than nintendo did building this app --and then just a VERY small little while later --after xbox announces this SUPER POWERFUL gaming console --nintendo starts taking the gaming world BY STORM with a cheap crappy app
--it is getting weird --i mean i love seeing nintendo getting some more industry power(it is not a bad thing) --but --unfortunately --some of these stories are gonna start ending in death(god hate to be the guy to say that~ugh)
@wtf_666: --i started gaming hardcore the summer of 1986(at 7 years old) --i have NEVER been able to understand/enjoy pokemon(even in it's first stages) --i also hate turn-based battle --it is like --if i want to play a 'card game' --ill go back to a time when card games where still better than video games --and while im there --i wont play card games --ill just have tons of unprotected pre-aids sex
@neowarrior793: --no --ancient aliens already predicted a zombie apocalypse --that started with a device that captures little demons from another dimension(the digital dimension) --um --im pretty sure the zombie apocalypse is approaching
TheZeroPercent's comments