@RSM-HQ: --oh come on pal! --you mean to tell me --you wouldnt wanna see a FULL fledged AAA monster hunter? --that was built from scratch on a machine more the power of a PS4?(i mean a real overclocked kinda build) --not to mention the ergonomics of the controller --i cant stand the 3ds as a hardcore gaming console(when FULL controls are necessary) --that requires HOURS of my fingers being straight in the back(vs being wrapped around a handle) --no leverage on those flat thumbsticks --even on wiiU --the flat back of the controller would become uncomfortable --also --i LOVE monster hunter --like i F'n LOVE that franchise --and id love to see it get the recognition it deserves(with console gamers getting into it) --vs selling 2-4 million units every time on portables --the game has enough hype now --that a full AAA home console title would sell A LOT --and MANY gamers could finally truly enjoy a game that is one of the best ever made imo
--i put around 500hrs in MH3U on wiiU --about 150 hrs into MH4U on 3ds(wasnt on wiiU ~but i used the circle pad pro) --and man --ill tell you --i am sorta done playing these games on 3ds
--come one nintendo! --with the MASSIVE success of P-Go --cant yall let capcom out of that damn MH exclusivity contract? --it is time to let that one out of your slave cage --and let it fly
--i swear --i was getting ready to buy MKXL for 35$ on amazon(the game and ALL dlc) --and like at the very mopment I went to buy it --it went back up to 50$ --ha --F'n amazon deals
--haha --i mean --these headlines are NOTHING like any other gaming headlines ever --usually its "blah blah blah Overwatch" --or blah blah blah Destiny --but --these Go articles man --stories are SO F'N crazy! --what a spectacle
--i DOO enjoy seeing nintendo get a win --and MAN what a win this one really is! --i read it has started eclipsing twitter in its percentage of daily active users --WTF? --it has been out like a week --ha
@Panzer_Zwei: --yea --but --i was asking if nintendo had given up on the new 3ds --especially seeing as how --if ANY one is their bitch --it is capcom's monster hunter franchise
@millionsedge: --there are a few japanese exclusive wiiU monster hunters --i think there are like 3-4 --MH3u is on wiiU --honestly --they are all basically the same --check ebay for them
--they sold those xb1s(i wonder how many there were)
--an xb1 with it's controller --a physical copy of the LE version of halo5 --a digital code for horizon 2 --a digital code for some comic books --a "dusk blue" xb1 controller(looks pretty bad ass) --AND a F'n 50$ amazon card? --ALL for 280$? --jesus christ? --that literally puts the price of the xb1 and it's own controller at like what? 100$?(maybe less)
TheZeroPercent's comments