--making me wish i had of bought some more games from xb1's sell --was hoping to get a good price on a ps4 version of MKXL --this sell is boring as hell
--so... --the 'new' 3ds is already abandoned? --i mean i know the 'new' 3ds is reverse compatible --but --i thought the whole purpose of making an entirely new console --was so theyd have 'more power' to make a game like monster hunter even better --im just saying --of ALL games(to not use the new 3ds' horse power)
@RogerioFM: --it really is QUITE a beautiful game(even with wretched visuals) --the upgrading systems are probably the deepest of any game out there --there is a decent length story line in most monster hunter games --but it isnt the story that draws you in --it is the monster slaying(monsters dont even have energy bars~you have to 'learn' the beast's signs~and base what you are doing on what he is doing) --dying can come down to split second decisions(and supplies) --alone this game kicks serious ass --but with a close gaming friend or 3? --this game is about as much fun as 4 people can have in a video game IMO --i dont understand how in the hell they get it all on a damn 3ds cartridge
--since around late 6th gen early 7th --ive never understood why console manufactures didnt make their hardware up-gradable --but --only with their own branded parts --but nowadays?... .--at right around 10 years from 2026 --i predict that around that year 2026 --stationary PC technology will have become obsolete --replaced completely by portable tech(with some of our basic portable tech being almost microscopic in size)
@squall_83: --i thought wiiU was "good" --hell i thought it was DAMN great --and it still is a really fine console --unfortunately it did not sell(and it is sad to me that nintendo has shelved it)
--as far as NX --making the controller the console/portable is a HORRIBLE idea --i own a vita and a ps4 --and i NEVER use the option to play my ps4 with my vita --one reason is you have to have a STRONG wifi connection --another reason is the vita is a SHIT controller for a ps4 --but mainly because it just isnt any fun ha
--so if nintendo does that --it will BLOW hard and fail badly --nintendo cant fail in the sales charts this time with their home console --so --i doubt NX will be ANYTHING like wii or wiiU --and it wont be anything like scorpio --so IDK but --the way they announced NOTHING at e3 was a pretty good sign --that what they are doing might not be that hard to duplicate --but IDK also --with their new Pokemon app taking off like it has(and the potential it still has) --we live in a time where technology can change so fast --and computer tech will just keep growing and changing faster and faster --who knows what the hell is around the corner --but id guess NX will be QUITE a surprise(whether it is complicated and expensive or simple and cheap)
@Jinzo_111887: --it was QUITE the controversy around the turn of the century --apparently because 'the way' the game is played is all based on an actual real world witchcraft --but then(if you are a christian with ANY sense) --you have to realize(if you dont wanna sound like an ignorant blackhole of dumbassedness) --that everything is the devil(including tricycles and ice cream sprinkles) --and if you are a christian --you have to 'believe' you have been forgiven of all your sins --or --you are sorta defeating the entire purpose of christ
@Jinzo_111887: --well --i myself have been predicting gaming consoles of the future just being smartdevice apps --ones that stream to your TV(or not) and come with a physical gamepad/controller --lots of talk of NX not being ANYTHING like a classic home console --pokemon has always been a portable thing for nintendo
--when it comes to these kinda things --you gotta calculate user install base --true 3ds has sold 57 million units --but how many people own a smartphone? --currently it is around 2.1 billion(thats 40 times more people~40 times 57million is A LOT LARGER)
--true this game is just an app(not a console) --but it will be interesting to see what NX ends up being --because it wont be a scorpio kinda thing(super powerful kinda thing) --and it wont be a fresh new gimmick like wii and wiiU --so --idk what in the world they are doing with nx
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