@coreyr84: --what do you want? --i mean i understand you need attention --but --you are boring me with your witless namecalling --do you want me to just stand here and listen to your HIGHLY immature insults --cause i can be here for you --or --you can go away --that will work better for me
--i can fully assure you --someone at playstation --had this game started and developed --to compete directly with state of decay's success --the fact that it would obviously get a sequel --and the fact that dead rising was contractually tied to xb1 --and i am excited about sod2 --which will be a fully fledged AAA title --and the quality will be there(and even though SOD1 was of low quality ~it was still "fun") --corporations dont think in terms of this year or last --they mostly think in 5-20 year cycles
--get some class --or just keep taking it out on me(you poor little thing) --instead of bullying people who actually give a shit what you are ignorantly blabbering on about
--JESUS CHRIST??? --R YALL SERIOUS? --ha --that is CRAZY(almost unbelieveable) --i knew nintenod was gaining some net worth on this app(and the future potential is uncalculable) --but mother of god!!
--haha --gotta love it(as a hardcire gamer) --nintendo fails SO HARD on wiiU(for YEARS) --and then in one week --their smartphone app begins changing the world --almost like --one of the coolest gaming results i have ever seen(form a new console/game/idea)
@mjgrierson: --i can get into action style games(like days gone) --but i prefer the slower pace of a rpg/adventure game --if days gone scores high ill try it out(definitely) --but --all i am saying is that in my heart --SOD2 is pulling the strings hardest --even though ha --sod1 is kind of a TOTAL POS --but --it is the simple recipe of sod1 --if you use that recipe on a AAA budget --after already building one game that was hailed by MANY critics --it is just a recipe for a great game
@Iordanis1278: --the game revolves around the the 'action' of escaping the hordes --the game is even classified as an 'action' open world game --so the 'action' is like IDK a ninja gaiden/bloodborne level of action(not the type of action in those games~just intensity wise) --it has HIGH action --ha(it is an action game) --and then it is sorta all in an open world/sandbox style game
--im not saying anything positive or negative about it --but it does have a RATHER unique style to it(the action) --and if you love action games vs rpgs or open world adventure games --this game is gonna be the open world zombie game you are gonna love --i myself prefer a lil less 'action' --and a lot more role playing and adventure --but i gotta say --the action in days gone does look PRETTY cool
@dribblesbarbax: --after reading that --i saw an image in my head of a young man splattered on the front of a city bus --as seen through the app --with a coupla pokemon on him
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