@RSM-HQ: --i enjoyed the water combat --sorta kept the battles balanced(like how you cant eat the same food everyday) --i am not saying 3U was better than 4U --i was just saying 3u is 'basically' the same as 4 --except it is beautiful on wiiU(compared to the 3ds) --my WHOLE point is that 3u is on wiiU
@7tizz: --i hate anime --and also --you should still follow me back --we could be GS pals(and take on the gaming world together) --or you could just stick with being a weirdo
@dirthurts: --the monster hunter games look fine on the 3ds screen imo(nothing to brag about) --obviously with the 8th gen consoles coming --and us already moving to 9th gen ha(or whatever) --it makes 3ds games look a lot more dated --but still --it isnt the graphics or gameplay that keeps me uninterested --it really is just the ergonomics of the controller --and the size of the screen(id rather play on a MUCH larger 50-60" tv) --i just couldnt get in there on MH4U on 3ds --like i could on MH3U on wiiU
--obviously this isnt a 'hardcore' pokemon game --this game is built around a casual audience --im not even sure it warrants an actual review by a hardcore gaming site --but --seeing as how this app has almost become as popular as twitter(in like a week) --im not sure how much you HAVE to weigh in the 'social influence' into the score --which would basically automatically make the score like a 265,000,000/10
@dirthurts: --if you really wanna play it though(or any of the MHs that are on 3ds) --try and find a circle pad pro --i know it wont sway you(nor am all that concerned) --but the CPP almost makes the 3ds a WHOILE lot more ergonomic
TheZeroPercent's comments