--just like the 360 GOW consoles --it is that UGLY burgundy color --it is like the color of Ron Burgundy's sports coat --why burgundy? --seems ANY color except BURGUNDY --or course except mustard --but the only way this console could be uglier --is if they used mustard colored highlights --and then stuck a 3" mustard bottle sticker on it --and gave you a free bottle of mustard with it
--im predicting that by january 2017 --pokemon-go will rule every nation in the world --i dont know how --but id guess by digital witchcraft of some sort
--what is sad --is if monster hunter was to come out on the primary home consoles --and get half the media attention this POS wannabe game has gotten(or paid for) --monster hunter would have become SUCH a F'n hit --instead? --monster hunter stays a relatively un-played franchise --on a tiny 3" screen --plus you gotta use the 3ds as a controller --which is sorta like putting on a thick pair of winter gloves --and trying to play a regular gaming controller --that has one faulty thumbstick
--anyone else feel like they are starting to drown in pokemon news --i mean --not just on gaming sites this crap --i cant seem to 'catch a good breath' inbetween this crap
--all other video games EVER have ALWAYS been 99.999% stories like --"game coming out" --"game is game being finished up as such" --"game to have dlc and all that" --and then --this pokemon app media sensation --it is all like(becoming more and more surreal) --sorta like --"game becoming christ" --"warning game taking world over~ accelerating global warming by 10million percent" --soo --"all cereals and cookies to be renamed pokemon" --"so you thought you knew the true god~game to remove human sinus tracts" --"world leaders bow to pokemon and cant get back up" --"game is eating children alive ~ adults could care less because game is feeding the kids to them~ and it tastes SOOO fun"
--this stuff is getting wierd --it feels like the world is gonna 'become pokemon'(or something) --like that scene in the movie "Being John Malkovich" --where he goes into his own head
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