Yes, a PC that would do that would cost a lot more than a console. But people who act like a console game has technically impressive visuals compared to what's on the PC are idiots.
@DiscGuru101 shhhhhhhhhhh don't remind the sheep that the CPU/GPU is extremely mediocre... let them salivate over the RAM spec (which is meaningless once you are out of CPU/GPU power) in peace
But you can't do a 1/1 spec comparison on the RAM either, but that doesn't seem to be stopping people from jerking off to this spec sheet compared to what's in their PC...
@lokizarro Around the PS3s launch devs etc were talking about the Cell CPU like it was some sort of super computer.
These sort of clown marketing statements happen all the time. It was just a year or two ago that someone from Epic (forget who) was favorably comparing current gen consoles' power to PCs
lol when are these clowns going to stop making these jokes?
Happens every console launch to hype up sales and dupe clueless customers who know nothing about tech, and it's just as silly and obnoxious every time.
Meh... I couldn't make myself care enough about Tomb Raider to finish it. I can see why other people really liked it, but I just didn't think it was all that great. Don't think it was my cup of tea, so to speak.
It reminded me a lot of how I felt when I played the original Tomb Raider games... games based on environmental puzzles just kind of bore me.
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