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God Of War PSP

God Of War for PSP!

yea so i just got the demo, havent played it yet will be playing it tomorrow during my long commute up to the bronx for Chemisty and Physics lab. That'll be cool.


Mission Accomplished

I beat Rainbow six vegas this morning, the single player campaign is not great but its not as bad as some describe it to be. Its actually fun. well thats the ninth game that i beat in my 3 month summer vacation. now i just want to concentrate on playing online because thats where this game is really great. thats is Mission accomplished

Summer 07, Looking back

Summer is almost over. i go toFordham in about ten days (I start after labor day), i went to disney world, I worked, I ... wait this is Gamespot. This summer after an exhausting semester i decided to tackle my backlog of games. I did most of them and am pretty happy. So here are the games that i completed:

1. Resident Evil 4 (ps2)

2. MGS 3 Subsistence (ps2)

3. Ratchet and Clank Up your Arsenal (ps2)

4. Killzone (ps2)

5. Mortal Kombat 3 (SNES)

6. Super Mario World (SNES)

7. Conta (NES)

8. Super mario bros (NES)

This summer i jumped into the next generation when i picked up a PS3. Havent completed fight Night cause u really can't amnd am really close to beating Rainbow six.

I lost a console, My PSP broke this summer. I don't really miss it at all though.

thats it if i beat Vegas that will be nine games, i wanted ten but o well. i am satisfied and ready for college.


what a night...

Last night i spent almost six hours with my brother playing from start to finish super mario world (SNES). thats another game off of the backlog list.

Next i am going to try to beat rainbow six vegas (PS3)

i am also way into a link to the past (SNES) i am going to continue that.


The Final Package...Metal Gear?

yes the final package is here. it is raining heavily in NYC but my package came just in time that i can play before heading out to work. I bought this game just to have it, i really have no interest in playing it much but i saw it for 2 bucks and just wanted it. I love the series so here it is.

Yes the original Metal Gear for the NES. I have the other versions in subsistence but this one is different. The only metal gear i need now is the original one for the ps1. I was introduced to metal gear through the remake Twin snakes on the gamecube. i didn't have a ps2.

I sold my gamecube for a ps2 after seeing all the hype for two games.

The first was Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater. I bought it right on the first day of summer vacation when it came out and i loved it. The second game was Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. These two games made me ditch my gamecube after beating twin Snakes. I beat all the metal gears (1,2,and 3) and beat snake eater twice and subsistence once this summer actually.

I really bought a ps3 for MGS4 and honestly can't wait for next year. There isn't much to look forward to for mesince i only own a ps3 this year but next year MGS4, Killzone 2 and GTA 4, i need to start saving my money now. thats about it

Q1 2008 i can't wait

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Another Package

Another package, only one more left hopefully coming tomorrow. in todays package i got a game that i was ashamed of not owning. It is Super Mario World for the SNES. I never got this game with my SNES. i bought Donkey Kong country which was my first snes game. I have played and beaten this game but never owned it until now. got it for nine bucks in great condition.

one more package left


More Stuff

hey gamespot, today i only got one package today but it contains a pretty big titl. i got

no box included but the cartridge is in great shape and playes great as well. I am happy to own this game and it makes my SNES Collection a whole lot better. Now the only problem that i have is that i can't play two massive adventures like ocarina of time and a link to the past. I don't know what to do. which should i play first? which one is shorter?


New Stuff aka da package

wats up gamespot i got some new stuff and hoplfully more is on its way later this week. lets get started.

In the mail today i got a new SNES controller. not a thord party but a new Nintendo branded controller. Both of my FC twin controllers broke and so did my original one for the SNES. I thought i bought a third party one for three bucks but iwas pleased to see a Nintendo controller.

Next i will reveal one of my biggest gaming secrets. i have never played a legend of zelda game. to combat that i got in the mail today the Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time for the N64. I can't wait to play this game. I got the collectors edition so the cartridge is gold and i even got the original box but no manual. it is pretty awesome since i thought i was only getting the cartridge.

and finally i picked up a game for the ps2. It is smackdown vs raw 2007. I don't follow the wrestling but the games are fun to play since i used to love wrestling before. it dropped in price so i bought it. i loike the new right analog stick control scheme.

hopefully later this week i should get 3 more packages with some really great stuff. until next time


I over reacted

yea i over reacted on rainbow six vegas. It is a really great game. I really enjoy the single player and the multiplayer is becoming better for me. I played like four matches from PHILUS form gamespot and he changed my mind. we used tactics and it was awesome. I am getting better and the loading is becoming more bareable. i am glad that i didn not trade this one in. I you enjoy using tactics instead of blindly shooting than this is the game for you. Tom Clancys Rainbow Six Vegas (PS3)

- - Later - -