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The_Extremist_ Blog

Progress Report 3 and backlog thoughts

Hey gamespot, I beat Killzone last night. Thats another game off of my backlog. It is a decent game that could have done a whole lot better if an extra level of polish was added to it. Near the end i got really tired of the game because it became way too much repetative. I am just glad that i can put it aside. Killzone is now in the completed games shelf with MGS3 subsistence, RE4, and super mario bros.

But after beating killzone i have decided that i will not tackle my backlog anymore. I feel that it is like a burden and ruins the gaming experience for me. Does anyone else feel the same way or is it just me?Now i will just play games that i want to play just for enjoyment. If those games happen to be ones in my backlog so be it but i am not planning to tackle anymore games. I havent played any game for the ps3 for a while and i will go back to Fight night round 3. thats all for now.


Backlog Progress report 2 (also need suggestions)

I finally beat the original super mario bros (yes finally), This is the first video game that i have ever played and i finalyy beat it for the first time. Thats another one off of my backlog and a burden off of my chest.

Also i will be heading down to orlando in a week and i want some suggestions for psp games. I have burnout andvirtual tennis. so let me know what i should buy before i leave. later

Backlog Progress Report

wats up gamespot, I have been determined in the last couple of weeks to beat games from my backlog. I am happy to say that i have beaten two of them but i was planning more. anyway here it is.

I beat Resident evil 4 on the ps2 and that game is really awesome. I hated all of the other resident evils but this one is great. It isn't that scary but it has its moments. I coul try to beat the ada wong missions but i beat the game and need to move on.

This game i wanted so badly and was ashamed that i have never beaten it. I beat mgs 1 and mgs2. I beat snake eater 3 times and never beat subsistence. Well last night i finally completed the game. I really love the metal gear series. It is hands down my favorite series. It is unfortunate that mgs 4 has been delayed untill 2008 since i have a ps3 ready for it but i have no doubt it will be an epic game.

These are the two games i have completed and am now working on these games. I was inspired by the wesker to beat the original super mario bros on the NES but have yet to do so. last night i played for an hour and still wasn't able to. The game finds a way to screw you. I was hoping to have it beat by today but o well. I am a couple of hours in pribce of persia the two thrones which is awesome but i will put that on hold to beat killzone first. it has 11 levels and i want to get it done. I am also deep into Fight night round 3 on the ps3. I guess beating that is getting the championship belt in career mode.

I also head out to Orlando Florida in about a week for vacation. I will be gone for a week and am pretty excited about that. thats its for now, until next time... later

I wasn't aware that...

Hey just an update of wats going on with me. I head to florida for vacation in about two and a half weeks. Until then i really want to complete subsistence. I beat Resident evil 4 and enjoyed it a whole lot. Thats one off the backlog. I started playing POP the two thrones and wow is POP a good game. i am two hours into that 

Now that i have a ps3 which has a network adapter built in unlike my fat ps2, i played killzone online. Yes and believe it or not there are people playing it online. I wasn't even going to try it because i thought there was no way that anyone would be playing it but there are tons. I could not believe it. I spent close to 3 hours playing that.

Killzone has a lot of potential but the execution is not that great. I like the dark ****of the game and the premise but everything could definately be improved. Still for what it is i am having a lot of fun online with it. This is getting me even more excited for the hopefully legendary game KIllzone 2 (no its not legendary).


Thats it i have been busy, just the way i like it,


New Stuff I Bought

Hey gamespot, i finally fought my laziness and went shopping like i wanted to. I went to gamestop and circuit city and this is what i bought.

1st up is Ratchet and Clank up ur Arsenal: I never played a ratchet and clank game before and wanted to so i picked this one up for a decent price.


Next is Prince of Persia the two thrones. Again i have never played a POP game before and it was in at a decent price so i picked it up. Finally since gamestop is having a buy two get one free sale i picked up Killzone. All 3 of these games were ones that i was curious to play but didn't want to shell out the cash for. Now that they are considered last generation they are cheap so i bought them.

I also picked up some DVD's from Circuit city


I have never seen any of the movies above and i know spiderman 2 is very old but i havent seen it. Munich is supposed to be good and it was only ten bucks just like the special edition spiderman. The 007 movie is also 2 disk special edition, just the way i like it.

Thats all folks... later


The Backlog...

I have about three months off before i head back to college and have not found a job yet so i decided today that  would hack at my backlog just like everyone else. but i know that i will stop once Rainbow six vegas comes out for the ps3 well who knows maybe i won't. so here it is:

Punchout (NES) - Mr. Dream is way too difficult, getting up to him is enough for me

Super Contra (NES) - I beat contra like a couple of months ago but super contra is way harder

Super mario bros (NES) - I get so frustrated

Super mario bros 3 (NES) - i never really tried to sit and beat it, it is a really fun game

Mortal Kombat II (SNES)  - I get stuck at Kintaro

Legend of Zelda minish cap (GBA) - i just never had the time for a huge adventure like zelda

Black, Far cry Instincts, splinter cell pandora tomorrow and chaos theory, and mercenaries (Xbox) - It is now in the basement

GTA III & GTA liberty city stories (ps2) - came close with gta III but never really played liberty city stories

MGS 3 Subsistence (Ps2) - I beat snake eater 3 times but never beat this one, shame on me

Resident evil 4 (ps2) - gonna play it right now

Thats it 15 games out of 84 thats not bad. This is because i am used to buying a game beating it then buying another. I usually dont make large purchases. So thats it, how many games do u guys have in ur backlog? let me know.... Later

UFC 71: Liddell vs. Jackson (UPDATE)

UFC 71 took place last night and we have a new light heavyweight champ


              Quinton "Rampage" Jackson

See the fight right now -------

What i have been up to

hey gamespot its Tuesday! yea its tuesday. anyway i went to the movies yesterday and saw:

  Fox Atomic's 28 Weeks Later 

                      Robert Carlyle in Fox Atomic's 28 Weeks Later

It is pretty good, i didn't see the first one but i knew the premise. I liked the movie because it had a lot of gore and i usually enjoy those kind of movies. the plot was also interesteing and there were a couple of hair raising moments as well. It ws really violent and had a lot of blood other than that it was a solid movie in my opinion.

also went over to a friends house and finally the Wii. yes i have never played the wii before and i am impresssed. I played wii sports which was really fun playing against one another especially boxing. I also played rayman which was okay. It is a really fun system and has a great deal of potential. the rumble and speaker in the remote is really cool. No straps were broken and no shoulder pain happy to say.



Oh man i've been playin a ton of ps3


Hey gamespot, it is raining now in new york and i have nothing better to do on a saturday night so i decided to do this. I didn't do much today except pla a lot of ps3. I was out of the house till 3 PM but after i got home i just played and ate. What have i been playing u might ask. one word, demos. first i have been playing a lot of Fight night, single player and online. when i get tired of that i play demos.

Been playing the resistance demo which is multi leveled, the motorstorm demo, Ninja gaiden sigma demo, Gran turismo HD, Ridge racer 7 demo, Def jam icon demo (which is disappointing) and finally virtual tennis demo.

When i get bored i head back to Fight Night Round 3. It is still awesome. For now the next purchase i am anticipation is rainbow six vegas which is supposed to come out next month if they don't delay it again. Sso thats about it,  later

Guess who's Back...

wat up gamespot, it is good to finally be back. I took my last Final two days ago and my summer has oficially begun. First things first, I got sucked into the PS3 and can finally give some real impressions.

PS3 Impressions

My PS3 has been hoolked up to an hdtv that supports up to 1080i and wow it makes a huge difference over sdtv. Sony doesn't provide the component cables so i purchased them for 19.99 form best buy. But it doesn't matter since it looks and sounds great. Fght Night Round 3 is an amazing game. It seems simple at first but it is really deep. The graphics and sound is outstanding. I havent tried the career mode yet but i will as soon as i am done here.


I also regestered for the ps netwrok so i can play online. I have never experienced online play before and it is trully awesome. Fight night had little lag but it was really awesome to play online. by the way my username is The_Extremist_ so check me out. I also downloaded some game demos. 1st was Def jam icon. I was just curious on how it played and i was dissappointed. it really wasn't all that impressive or that fun. The rappers look really life like but after playing fight night the fighting was dissapointing. the second demo was resistance fall of man. That is pretty awesome. I still don't like the fact that u fight aliens (thats just something that turns me off) but other thna that it is really great. The AI is awesome and the graphics are just great. I am downloading the motorstorm demo right now followed by ninja gaiden sigma. demos are great arent they.

In conclusion (im not writing a report) anyway i love the PS3. it is really worthit despite the opinions of others. I played so much PS3 yesterday and i am planning to do the same today. If you have the money buy the PS3. Now i play motorstorm and Ninja Gaiden sigma before some more fight night
