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The_Extremist_ Blog

R6 Vegas... Way over rated

so here are the impressions on Rainbow six vegas.

It is a real let down. The single player is good and the graphics and sound are great. Even the gameplay is awesome, the tactical system is spectacular. but this is not the rason i bought this game. I bought it because of online play where this game is weak. It is a huge pain to get into a game. you can't just jump right in. sometimes the game gets canceled.

once ur finally in the game is pretty solid but i have yet to have a gam that was worth the wait. u go through like 3 loading screens just to wait for one game to finish so u can play. then u finally get in the lobby and wait while others adjust their settings for like an hour. it really let me down.

what can be done? I want to return this game except for the fact that i bought it new and gamestop will not take it back. I will try to convince them tomorrow but according to their policy they won't. if i trade it ini will only get $30 whats all that about. i don't know Rainbow six vegas is over rated. i don't like it.

MGS ... OMG (yea)

MGS4 looks fantastic. I am so excited for that game and it has reminded me why i bought a ps3 in the first place. I love the mgs series since the first one and MGS4 looks awesome.

The textures and graphics look great and the gameplay is classic metal gear. Its just cool.

New PS3 Game

New PS3 game, Tom Clancys Rainbow six vegas, havent played it yet but i will shortly and will post impressions.


Harry Potter midnight launch

So the new and final Harry Potter book the deathly hollows will be released on July 21st. Why am i mentioning this eventhough i hate harry Potter?

well that is because in the mall near me they're having a midnight launch event for the book and i will be there. That is because i work at Auntie Annes Pretzels. I worked last summer and am doing the same now. My manager requested that i work in the cart across form the launch center (yea he really likes my work). So tomorrow i will leave my house at around 4 PM and work till around 2 AM and make a good deal of money. I will get to see all of the crazy harry potter nuts. I have never been to a midnight launch and technically i will not be a part of this one but i will get to see it all.

I will be there with hot and steamy pretzels.


Where? Up your Arsenal...

wats up gamespot. long time no blog because i had nothing to talk about until today. I beat Ratcet and Clank up your arsenal today. I really love this game. It is the most fun i've had with a platformer in a long time. The last time i remember having this much fun was Super Mario 64. Ratchet and Clank is a great series and i regret not getting into it before. It is just awesome.

so thats another game off of my list for the summer. I beat Super mario (NES), Mgs3 Subsistence (PS2), Resident EVil 4 (PS2), Killzone (PS2)and Ratchet and clank (PS2). thats enough for me since i don't want to play prince of persia right now.

Wat i want to do is reinvigorate my ps3. To do this i want to buy a new game. I'm thinking Rainbow six vegas. I don't know let me know if anyone has played it and how it is. It sounds great but i really didn't like the previous rainbow six games. thats all.


I Got It . . .

yes i just got back form my road test and i am happy to announce that i passed and now have a licence. It was my first road test and i feel like a huge burden is off of my chest. Most of my friends too drivers ed and passed when they were 17. I didn't and had to wait till i was 18. Well its done. I will probably use my dads old car to get to my job and stuff but no more asking for rides and NYC Busses.

Other than that the microsoft conference will happen at like 11:30 PM here. I don't know if i willwait for itsince i don't own a 360 but i will probably watch it. I am looking forward to tomorrow because nintendo's is always awesome and Sony will be nice since i have a PS3. I want to see more of home.

Finally i have been playing a whole mess of Ratchet and Clank Up Your Arsenal. It is really great. I was pleasently surprised. thats all for now.


I Think That i have a plan...

So my psp is broken or in fancy terms it is bricked. wat i learned is that u should Never disturb the psp while it is updating. I am actually not that upset because i never really enjoyed the psp anyways. I am a little ticked since i bought metal gear acid before i left on the trip and enjoyed it very little before the disaster happened. by the way it was my brother (ACE451) that did it.

Now i can send it to sony and get it repaired for $100


Buy a mod chip and try to fix it myself


I can do things my way. My plan is to head to a Kmart or Walmart and purchase a new psp. Then switch the new one with the bricked one. Then just head back and returnit. I get a new psp andmy money back. I still need to check the return policy of kmart but this is probably going tobe what i will eventually do.

Let me know wat u guys think. Maybe u have done something similar in the past. let me know.

- - Later - -

Yes! I am back

wats up guys i just got back form orlando and it was great. I saw Disney, Universal, Seaworld and many more. I have never been to Florida before so it was all new to me.

The only negative part of the trip would have to be the train ride. it took 24 hours to get from New York to Orlando. Then coming home from Penn staton during rush hour was annoying but hey i am home. It feels nice to be back now i have to catch up to all the stuff i missed out on because i didn't have any internet in Orlando.

For some sad news i think my psp is broken. My brother shut off the sysytem while it was doing a network update and now it just won't play anything. it doesn't even show the cross media bar and turns off by it self. if anyone knows anything it will be appreciated. later