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The_Extremist_ Blog

No time, I Just Have No Time


wats up gamespot, i havent blogged since last week when i picked up my ps3. unfortunatly i will probably will not be blogging until May 15th or so. this is because of college, it is almost the end of the semester and i just don't have the time. Unfortunatly i can't even really give you any ps3 impressions yet because:

1) I have not hooked it up to an HDtv yet

2) I havent connected to the internet yet

anyway lets talk about games, i havent played a game since last week which was Fight night round 3. Retro revival week starts tomorrow i believe. i won't be participating because i just don't have the time. anyway i have been playing retro games for a long while now because i got the FC Twin (if u are wondering what it is just look at one of my early blog posts for more details) it is basically a NES and SNES 2 in one system. it works great and since i own the original consoles but my NES needs a new connector i don't feel bad for having a "fake" system.

Other than that, Rainbow six vegas got delayed again for the PS3 i was anticipating that game cause it sounds so fun but now i am starting to lose some of that anticipation. I just saw the first look at MANHUNT 2, it looks great i am excited about that. Also the trailer of Call of Duty 4 modern warefare, man does that look great. Call of duty is great and it finally is moving out of WW2. Awesome

I am also thinking about what next game i want to purchase for the PS3, i am in between Resistant Fall of Man and Call of Duty 3. if any of you own any one of those let me know. So thats about it i'll see you guys on the 15th... later

The Choice Has Been Made...

Hey gamespoters, hope everyone is dong well. i complained yesterday that i didn't have anything to blog about but by some miracle it has all changed. I made two very nice purchases if i say so myself and i have stepped into the next generation...FINALY

First off i picked up a DS lite yesterday. Not the black that everyone seems to have now a days but i stuck with the white.  I already have the original DS but the lite is just so much cooler. For now i have super mario 64 DS and big brain academy. both games are really great on the new and improved brighter screen. the buttons are better, the stylus is better, everything is better. i think its turning out to be better than my psp.

Now for the even better news i believe, i have made my choice for the next generation. I picked up a Sony PS3. this time i'm not joking. My dad was able to pull some strings and get it cheper than the suggested retail price. i am very happy with it so far. What excites me the most about it is MGS4. I am really anticipating that game and i finally have the console to get it.

The controller is very light weight, but the system itself is huge and bulky. That doesn't bother me because once it's setup i am not going to carry it around. It looks great in terms of appearence and hooking it up with just composit cables for now still makes the games look great. I made my choice because i see potential in the PS3. I have to admit i was considering on waiting to get the 360 elite when it would come out, but i think the xbox is a great system, just not forever. I have to admit i wanted to play gears of war and soon halo 3 but i want MGS4 more.

       Besides that i picked up only one game because there isn't a whole lot that i wanted right now, the game is Fight night round 3. If you played any of the other fight nights you will be familiar with this, it is a great franchise and this game is great. the boxers look so real and the knockouts are awesome. The ps3 has a pretty  dull lineup for now but so did the 360 soon after it's launch, it will get better.


that's about it as if i need more. i am happy and i am going to play more fight night ......later

Check This out Tonight

Hey gamepot people, i haven't been bloggin or anything mainly because i don't have anything to blog about and i haven't touched any video game console for almost 2 weeks.

I know it's crazy but i just don't have the time, anyway tonight 9 P.M Eastern on Spike TV there will be a free UFC Payperview. This only applies to thos in the States (sorry europe and canada). UFC 70: Nations collide is the event taking place live today from manchester England. It should be an awesome event and its free. gather your friends and check it out, thats what i am doing.



I will probably have impressions on it later maybe if i feel like it. Other than that nothing much has been going on in my life (like you care). so yea check it out let me know what you think of the UFC.


Need Ur Help

I need help in getting the Bio emblem here on gamespot. I want to thank horgen123 for puting my profile up on his site. Now i just need people to look at it and refresh the page. Thanks


              Down With the Sickness!
This user spreads the GameSpot virus among the masses, infecting the Internet with gaming goodness wherever he travels

Huge Blog

wats up, i haven't written a blog for like a week, thats because i havent been doing much in terms of gaming and since this is gamespot i didn't see the point of blogging about it but i am doing so now anyway. First up i picked up a couple of DVD's

All of them are wrestling related eventhough i don't like wrestling anymore but these caught my attention.

 As inferred by the title it is a documentary about the rise and the inevitable fall of ECW. For those who don't know what ecw is, it was a great wrestling organization that was in competition with the WCW and The WWF. It was supposed to be real and i still think it is a lot more believable than the WWF or WWE is or ever was. It is a 2 dick set with some commentary and extra matches. It is pretty entertaining and brings me back to the 90's

Next up is another related Extereme Championship Wrestling DVD

 This DVD is trully great, it is also two disks and has some trully great matches. This is my favorite DVD from the ones that i bought this past week. if you like hardcore wrestling than u must pick this up because it is trully hardcore. has some special features but the variety of matches makes it worth it alone. 



And Lastly this is another wrestling brand but unlike ECW it is Current. TNA

 This DVD had great potential but it highly dissapointed me. It still has great matches and is a good DVD but i think that after the ECW dvd i had high expectations. Still i find TNA to be more entertaining than the WWE. still i would recommend it but it has like no extra features and is only a single dvd no 2 disk edition. Could have been a lot better if they really wanted it to be.



Also somethinh that is much better and more exciting, last night was UFC 69: Shootout

In a big upset we have a new welterweight champion. This small guy Matt serra defeats the champion George st. pierre in the very first round.

 It was a very exciting event. UFC is way better than wrestling and Boxing.

Now in terms of gaming, i havent done much. I havent touched my ps2 or xbox for a while. I am playing old skool games lately on the FC twin console. I have been playing a lot of mario bros and mario bros 3. also been playing some punchout. These games just never get old.

As for my plans to purchase games for the ps2 i decided to hold off until my semester is over, i have to study for finals anyway.



and thats it, im going to sleep now, later

What I picked up

Hey Gamespoters, i picked up Ninja Gaiden Black today form gamestop. It was only $7.99, now u might be wondering how ninja gaiden black was so cheap,

well thats because i wanted to buy the original Ninja Gaiden for $7.99 but the sales person accidentaly gave me a copy of Black. so i have a Ninja Gaiden case with Ninja Gaiden Black. Its not that much of a big deal but i saved like ten bucks. From what i played so far it is not too hard but i can definetly see that it will. your character is really fast and i am expecting to fight like 15 at a time. It seems pretty cool though.


I am going to have some days off form college coming up for easter ( yea Fordham is a Jesuit school so i get off for easter) and i will see if i can pick up some games for the ps2. maybe Bully and Ratchet and Clank (all of them are good from what i heard), i don't know we'll see.

I understand that GOW II is probably a great game and i should buy it but i just played the original GOW like a month ago. I bought GOW 1 from gamstop used and played for like 3 days. I loved the game and beat it. i then decided that i was probably not going to play it again because of college and GOW II was coming out. i returned it and picked up MGS 3 subsistence. I really want GOW II but i just don't want to drop $50 on it. i'll wait till it drops price, cheap i know but games are expensive.

   OOH and for the big news, I picked up a PS3 today......          

April fools! (corny i know but i couldn't resist) 


Eid Milad un Nabi

Today is a very important holiday in the islamic world, today is the birthday of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). I know i am going to have a great day i hope you do to, later


Weekend Update

wats going on people, the few people tha actually read what i have to write, thats besides the point, thanks anyway though i really appreciate it. a lot of new gaming news. first up was the no so big surprise of the Xbox 360 Elite.

 I was actually really excited about it because i don't onwn a 360 and i thought it would seal the deal for me. But considering the price with no price drop of the premium 360 i was dissappointed. It looks really great but now i thing that i would rather save up and get a ps3. i really think that the ps3 has a lot of potential andit will be better, but only time will tell.

 Also was the very much anticipated first trailer for GTA IV.  I have to say i was very impressed. The setting looks awesome especially since i am from NYC, and the graphics are great. sure there was no gameplay but i mean its gta, how can they scew it up. I am just excited to see how they can utililize the next gen hardware to create a massive city. WIth this and MGS4 coming out soon i am really considering a ps3. If the 360 gets a major price cut than will i consider an xbox again.

I am pretty busy this weekend with an english paper and a reading of Plato for philosophy. I don't think i will get any gaming done at all. I haven't played any game since last weekend. i do have a short easter break coming up so i can finally play something. other than that its all good,


Need some Advice

Both of these games are $20 at circuitcity right now. i just can't choose one. I can't buy both right know. Tell me which on eis worth it. I own practically every other gta. i have LCS on the ps2 but i have no gta on the psp. Bully i herad is pretty great. let me know.



A Gamestop Blowout Sale?


   I read somewhere, in a forum i think, that there is supposed to be somekind of blowout sale at gamestop. It is supposed to be primarily for ps2 and xbox (not 360) games. has anyone heard or know when it is going to happen? Is this even true?