Em, I'm 21. And what's this about capping hookers? If you're referring to gTA, I actually hate those games because they have no story. They're more sandpit games, do what you like. Very little story, very little structure, very little characterisation. So that blows your post right out of the waterFirst of all, I never knew Forza Motorsport even had a storyline :|
Second of all, you're a joke. Yes, those games have awesome gameplay, and so do nintendo games. but by your logic, Nintendo games are worse because of t3h kiddy!!!111 :oJesus christ, if you need to increase your pre-teen masculinity that bad than be my guest, I'll be playing games like Twilight Princess that you'll be missing out on because you're running around capping hookers.
The_Streets' forum posts
Fair enough and I too disagree with you. Using the games that i mentioned, Halo is a series reknowned for its AI. I don't care how many times you play a Halo level, you will never fight the Covenant the same way twice. That for me is a positive gameplay attribute. Similarly, Knights allows you to play both Light and Dark, meaning replay value. Again, these games have great gameplay mechanics, as I've mentioned above. What seperates them from the garbage that Ninty put out though? Their stories and mature themesThose are good games you've mentioned The_Streets but I've played through some the more "movie-like" games and after completing them the spark that brought those games to life is extinguished. Once I got through the story on those games that was it.... there was no real reason to play them again. This is why I hold game play (spelled correctly this time :P) in a much higher regard than a good story or a mature theme because gameplay is something that never wears out over time.
I write "IMHO" after this statement although I think it highly unnessary. It's obviously my opinion and no one, fanboy or otherwise, can change it.
Nintendo makes great games. They are not the only company that makes great games. Deal with it.
Exactly. Why can't Nintendo fans accept this point? What makes the Xbox and the PlayStation 2 superior is that I can find games on them that are as good as Mario or Zelda, but that ALSO have deeper stories, characterisation and Hollywood-style production values that satisfy me also. Give me plenty of Halo 2 style sci fi epics and Oriental martial arts sagas like Jade Empire on the revolution and I MIGHT consider it.....
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