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#1 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
So movies went downhill because they started to make sci fi movies and horror movies and action flicks en masse? Do you not remember a time when all films were black and white dramas and love stories? Films evolved in the 60s and 70s and continue to evolve today. So is gaming. Going downhill? You're having a laugh! If you had your way, we'd all be bouncing around cute and cheerful levels, collecting coins for the rest of our lives.....
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#2 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
And also, i loved Jet Set radio Future. that's cel-shaded, just like Wind Waker. But unlike Wind Waker, it's not a DUMB CARTOON ABOUT A LITTLE MONKEY BOY THAT HAS TO SAVE A LITTLE GIRL. Typical nintendo nonsense in the narrative department
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#3 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
May I state for the record, that I've more reasons for not liking Ninty games, BEYOND the kiddy argument. I've touched on length, I've touched on a lack of story and characterisation, I've touched on a lack of diversity in their portfolio. YOU'RE the one that's bringing up the kiddy argument at the behest of all else. Not me
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#4 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
The topic creator is yet another example of a casual gamer who has to play games with high age ratings due to peer pressure from his fellow casual friends. Kids these days they are so pressured into being cool. The topic poster is yet another victim and has been blinded permanently from good Nintendo games. It's a shame.Sir_Troid
How many times must I say this? I. Am. 21. Years. old. I am not a kid! AND, I believe that Star wars: Knights Of The Old republic has a 12+ PEGI rating. That's not exactly 'adult' now, is it. Does Forza have blood and gore? No. I don't like Nintendo games. they're boring. why can't you just accept that 100s of MILLIONS of people think this? Nintendo, once the powerhouse of gaming, are now the laughing stock. handheld profits will stop them going the way of SEGA. Nothing else
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#5 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
[QUOTE="duble_Needler23"]No ignorant Topic creator....all of those games you mentioned have awsome gameplay...and they all kick ass too lol.....what they mean is that if you don't enjoy playing games like Zelda, metroid, mario, SSB, etc......then its probably just because of some stupid bias you have because your trying to be cool playing grand theft auto or something lol......but joking aside, seriously....if your a gamer and you don't like Zelda (who in the hell doesn't like zelda), then you must be part of that "madden" audience lol.......a cas (short for you know what lol).

Another thing I hate is this 'trying to be cool' argument. Now, I hate GTA because I think it's boring, unstructured and has no plot or characterisation. BUT, you can't dismiss them as games because they're actually very innovative in that respect. What other game lets you do so much, at your own pace? There are so many gameplay styles that it has something for everyone. So please, don't just ignorantly dismiss it just because it's popular and mainstream, the same way that yo dismiss Halo. jealousy is not a good thing. Just because Zelda hasn't reached the same level of mass market acceptance that GTA and Halo have, doesn't mean that you should cry about it....
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#6 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
[QUOTE="The_Streets"]Banestyrelesen: I will not quote your post because it was very long. First of all, I do not want to play mature games because I want to be grown up. I AM grown up. I'm 21. Second, your definition of 'mature' is the rpey one, not mine. Everyone knows that Star Wars is for kids. The same goes for Star Wars: Knights Of the Old Republic, a game that has ZERO blood and ZERO gore. But it is one of the best games that I have ever played. Why do I like it then, if it has no violence? Because it's a d@mn good story, that's why! You're confusing the word 'mature' with 'adult'. Adult menas it's specifically designed in such a way that it has to have a certain age level applied. Mature means that the game will make you think, about its world, about its characters, about its story. There's a sensible COHESION to the game. Not the typical ice world, fire world, forest world, sand world aspect of Mario games. And the storyless wonder that is Animal Crossing and Pikmin. And the sheer banality that was luigi's mansion. THAT is the difference between adult and mature. Many Xbox and PlayStation games are mature. Nintendo games are not.Kiron22
I assume you hav'nt heard of Twilight Princess?

I have and if it's anything like The Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina Of Time (one of my top 5 games ever), then I'll be intrigued. Won't make me buy a Gamecube/Revolution though, but I'll sit in quiet jealousy and wish that it were an Xbox 360 game. But then I'll get Halo 3 so we'll be even and i won't really care anymore
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#7 The_Streets
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[QUOTE="duble_Needler23"]And about the xbox being was, but I can honestly say that without the Halo series, it definitely wouldn't have been worth the money...same with my 360:  I got one the first day it came out, waited until 5:00 pm through 8:00 am in line at target with 30 people......FIRST IN LINE, raining, 40 degrees out (you wish I were kidding).  its cool so far...I guess.  DOA 4 is pretty good, and CoD 2 (even though its a port) is really good.  My point:  The 360 won't be the 360 until Halo 3 comes out.  Thats what makes nintendo so great:  The Revolution will be awsome right from the start, unlike the 360's lack luster launch (see:  No killer app).  The Rev is gona be launching with a new mario, so that a lone is awsome, but then throw in SSB online (its about time..god), and FFCC online (the first one was dying for online play....and now this will consume my life).  And also...metroid Prime 3.  Don't you see?  Ninty is pulling out all the stops this time around....because they know they're losing market share, and they can't continue to do that, granted they dominate the handheld market....but still.  When's the last time Nintendo launched with games of that caliber?  And online Super smash bros, metroid prime 3 (which will kick ass with the revmote..), online FFCC, and a new mario game?  Thats insanely awsome....and I don't care what anyone says:  If all of those games live up to thiers franchise names like they ALWAYS do...then this will be the greatest launch since...well....ever.

Wrong. Xbox fans are obsessed with Halo because it is the game that saved the console from a fate worse than death. I LOVE the Halo franchise but I'm sick of people going on about it all the time like it's all that matters on the Xbox. Have these people not played Forza Motorsport, Project Gotham Racing 2, Star Wars: Knights Of the Old Republic, Crimson Skies: High Road To Revenge, Ninja Gaiden, Moto GP: Ultimate Racing Technology 2, Rainbow Six 3, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory... I could go on. The thing is, for any game you mention for the Revolution (a console I will not be buying), I can mention more for the Xbox 360 - third party games as well!
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#8 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
Banestyrelesen: I will not quote your post because it was very long. First of all, I do not want to play mature games because I want to be grown up. I AM grown up. I'm 21. Second, your definition of 'mature' is the rpey one, not mine. Everyone knows that Star Wars is for kids. The same goes for Star Wars: Knights Of the Old Republic, a game that has ZERO blood and ZERO gore. But it is one of the best games that I have ever played. Why do I like it then, if it has no violence? Because it's a d@mn good story, that's why! You're confusing the word 'mature' with 'adult'. Adult menas it's specifically designed in such a way that it has to have a certain age level applied. Mature means that the game will make you think, about its world, about its characters, about its story. There's a sensible COHESION to the game. Not the typical ice world, fire world, forest world, sand world aspect of Mario games. And the storyless wonder that is Animal Crossing and Pikmin. And the sheer banality that was luigi's mansion. THAT is the difference between adult and mature. Many Xbox and PlayStation games are mature. Nintendo games are not.
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#9 The_Streets
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[QUOTE="Kiron22"] Halo is cinimatic and WInd Waker or RE4 was not? First Halo is trash, its a overrated rip of tribes 2. Forza is a racing game, and not too mention the Realistic Racing genre is crap, what makes racing in a real car fun is the feeling of going 200 km a hour the fun in a Racing sim is ........... Explain this too me. Pro Evolution soccer? please tell me your not a Sim whore? everyone knows Sega Soccer Slam >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soccer genre. Pokemon Snap was a great and simple game, you bought a N64 right, why not read reviews? whats there too be jealous of on PSX, FF7, Tekken and Soulblade oh also Resident evil and Tomb Raider and MGS. History lesson for you. SSB for N64 is one of the greatest fighters ever, SSBM is damn close too the greatest fighter ever. Mario Kart are probably the most fun racing games ever, today i converted my Mario hating friend into buying Mario Kart DS. The Resident Evil series appeared on N64 too. Tomb Raider ..... dude. The Metal Gear Franchise started with Nintendo. I assume you have bought every Nintendo console by the way you are speaking. also your Dissing N64 .. Your Dissing OoT.

Wind waker? Sega Soccer Slam? Pokemon Snap? Super Smash Brothers? Mario Kart? It's EXACTLY this kind of kiddy cartoony crap that I left Nintendo over, after ahving owned a NES, a SNES and an N64. Yes, i AM a sim whore. And Nintendo don't do sims
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#10 The_Streets
Member since 2006 • 912 Posts
[QUOTE="spyrosklaou"]you made the same mistake twice, you didn't buy a playstation or a ps2. don't do that for a third time. ps3 is for you.

No way! I LOVED the Xbox. Best console ever. And Xbox Live is the killer. I could not own a videogames machine that didn't have this service. Not anymore. I may get a PS3 someday, when it's cheap. But then again, i always said that I'd buy a PS2 at the end of it's life and it's 2006 and I ain't getting one.....