I just got back from seeing the IMAX version of Avatar, and my mind was BLOWN.
I am thoroughly convinced that James Cameron cannot make a bad movie. He's like Pixar for adults. I'm not a fan of Terminator and I flat-out dislike Aliens, but both are great movies. Titanic is fantastic. And now there's Avatar.
I mean, wow. Yes, the movie is visually gorgeous: some of the scenes in the jungle of Pandora are absolutely beautiful, with their plants and animals. The Na'avi look awesome and live within their own culture, which is similar to the native American indians' in some respects.
The movie is also full of emtotional roller coaster rides, particularly near the end. The most emotional part, however, is that point in the movie where it suddenly hits you and you're like "Wow, this isn't actually real."
The movie is cliche; there simply can be no denying it. It's very reminiscent of Disney's Pocahontas. Of course, everything is cliche to some extent, so this isn't a complaint of mine. Cliche, when done right, can be just as spectacular (or moreso, depending on the competition) than an original idea (if such a thing exists anymore).
Forget every negative thing you've read or heard about Avatar; they're wrong. The only thing I'd call "negative" about this movie is that it moves too fast in the beginning. That's it. Go see this movie and love it.
And though I hate to admit it, the trailer for Percy Jackson and the Olympians looks awesome.
As for the IMAX, this is my first IMAX experience and it's probably going to be my last; yes, it was really nice, but I just can't see this 3D crap without getting a splitting headache afterwards. Avatar was only playing in 3D here, so I figure, might as well go for IMAX.
The next Titanic? Not really. More like the next Wizard of Oz.
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