Way a go Xbox360 and Crytek that looked amazing, hell of alot better looking then the awful Demo for all three platforms. Cant wait to get this for my PC.
I can see this to be lemmings last and final hope. Too bad it might end up being on the ps3 lol nothing seems to right for the lemmings . Finally they have a game they can brag about but turned out won't be exclusives for long. Just sell ur 360 already n stop wasting time hyping. iwasgood2u
Gears 3 wont be going anywhere, the first 3 games are exclusively 'exclusive' to the Xbox brand (on consoles). Maybe Gears 4 or on the next gen consoles we may see it on another system.
dont do it, AM3+ mobo's will come out soon like in a matter of months, (dont quote me on that) and they will support bulldozer and all AM3 CPU's, so get a cheaper mobo now, and then buy a better one for AM3+(actually has a future)
another one to hijack teh post. im sorry but. AM3+ coming out. AM3 is still a fast powerful CPU type right? if i wanted to upgrade my CPU to a Phemon II x4 or x6 those 2 CPUs are powerful right?
Yep im absolutely loving my X6 @4.0GHz stomps over everything.
ASUS Crosshair IV Extreme. It's also the priciest.
Ravenguard is right. I bought my Asus Crosshair IV Formula only weeks before the extreme was to be released :( Though the Formula is an amazing motherboard itself.
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