Just wondering what the weight of that thing is going to be? I'm not going to condemn it to I have seen more of it in action, it really doesn't make me want to pick it up and play with it.
I love these modern military shooters so much so that im actually put off BO2 as its got a more futuristic setting, so will be looking forward to this. Hopefully better then the last, graphics and gameplay in single player were awful.
Just looking for some information taking into account my current rig would my PSU be enough to power 2x GTX 670 along with everything else. It's a 750w XFX Black Edition Modular 80+ silver got it just over a year ago.
Not at all i played that game and the first to death back when they first came out. when someone creates i thread about games you would like sequel to Little Big Planet is the one series i always name.
Your PC is good as it is but if i was to upgrade anything would be a new GPU either AMD 6950/6970 or nVidia GTX570/580 depending on your budget. Maybe even a little overclock to your processor. All this depends on your PSU though but other then that you really shouldnt be worrying about buying a whole new system anytime soon.
Just purchased the Steelseries XAI HD Gaming Mouse myself should be arriving in a couple of days. Cant wait to use it as it will be my first gaming mouse usedplain OEM till now.
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