Uncharted 2. Dont get me wrong fellas, Crysis looks great but teh PC just isnt as strong as the PS3..... and Uncharted 2 is more colorful and its artstyle is better!
Dont yal agreez?
Obvious flame bait im not touching that could get burned.
lol little UKthey always like to kiss the US's behind the Japanese are smarter.
What the hell I'm from the UK i'm so appalled at what I just read there I hope you are just bloody ignorant or god help you in your life outside of these forums cause you sound like such a nice person.
I've noticed a couple of people already state this that it's the Americans you play as in MW2. While yes that is true the scene in question was the special forces team who's main members comprised of ex SAS members 'soap, ghost, captain price and roach'. Unless I was playing a different game those lads didn't have American accents.
we don't have console graphics king that don't count
doesnt count for what?
This is system wars not console wars
Crysis is the graphics king and that it
Im glad someone else brought this up was about to myself, a certain group bringing that stupid double standard "Console Graphics King" into another thread just drop it. If one group can't use "Console Exclusive" you can't be allowed to use the other term.
As tupapi006 said its System Wars not Console Wars.
in my experience 360 gamers are better than PS3 gamers so it would be unfair really.
And where may i ask did you come to this informed decision :roll:
Anyway back on topic that would be a great idea. . .listening to all the fanboys slag each other off :D seriously though it would help alot of smaller, less advertised or not so well known online only franchises have a larger and longer lasting community.
haha Nice Helpful Gamers Vs. Screaming Little 12 Years Olds.....hmm, I think the outcome is obvious. But I actually would like it....but this is a dream that will never ever happen....not with CoD, or any game.
Do you really believe that or are you just putting that tired old argument up here to ruffle some feathers? Because im sure no 12 year olds own a PS3 :roll:
The only reason the Xbox Live community is more vocal is because Microsoft had the sense to put a headset in the box when making a console that is focused on online and community play. What is Sony's excuse?
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