MoH: AA was one of the first games i got along with Return To Castle Wolfenstein for my first proper gaming PC with its Radeon 8500 128MB graphics card :twisted: oh yes it was awesome back then. So because of that its always going to have that nostalgic factor for me. Later on i got the first CoD and i was blown away and have been a huge fan of the series since. Except CoD 3 i couldn't stand that game it was horrible imo.
Timbury's forum posts
What did you do to Alex that is the worse Cinematic mod character models i have seen ewww!here are a few i took from Half Life 2. I need to beat this one again and replay through ep1 and ep2 :D
god of war3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>bayoneta and dante infermo both edge sucks its joke comparison kratos with a clone game CTR360You do know the guy that made Bayonetta is also the guy that made Devil May Cry the first game of this type to be critcally acclaimed which i would say even your beloved God Of War series takes inspiration from. So any game that follows that same mold is a copy of Devil May Cry and not God Of War you fans need to get round the fact God Of War wasn't the first! So pleased stop saying Dante Inferno and especially Bayonetta are clones of God Of War.
All running on my PC (Resized for the thread :))
I feel like in System Wars, if you only own one console, or only a gaming PC, then people label you as a fanboy. Does anybody else find this true?
I only own a PS3, but I love playing 360 or Wii when I'm at my friends' house. I have the utmost respect for games such as Gears of War, Halo, Mario Kart, or Super Smash Bros Brawl. Do you guys feel labeled as cows, sheep, lemmings, or hermits when in fact you aren't?rsoxguy12
There is no problem with someone only owning one console/PC cause there could be many reason to why that is. . . so no they are not the hatred fanboys! It's those that have the one system and go out of their way to bash any and all systems they don't own while praising their system as the second coming even though it has flaws of its own.
:roll: it's not an opinion it's a PREDICTION, and that's what my post was about. The two are completely diffrent, you seem to have failed to grasp this fact.
the part about it geting an A is a prediction yes, one based on his opinion "the gunplay being lame", "not being a dedicated button for grenades", etc.
like I said, you should take your fanboy goggles off
Besides, it's not like similar prediction haven't been made by PS3 fanboys
I hate when people can't own up to the fact they made a mistake. YOU WERE WRONG BUDDY, and you shouldn't be trying to make excuses for yourself because you decided to bash someone for not knowing what they were taking about. Take my fanboy goggles off? Now who's making dumb assumptions /predictions about something he dosen't know? Way to go now you've joined the TC.
No need to continue this discussion with you anymore, don't quote me anymore either. While trying to bash me you haven't even taken the time to understand the context of why I posted the way I did.
You are one of the biggest PS3 fanboys i have seen on these boards constantly defending it even though it has its faults. Always bashing the X360 even when the thread doesn't call for it and then you have the cheek to call other people fanboys and you then get defensive when your called the same!? Talk about ' the pot calling the kettle black'.
[QUOTE="Timbury"]Its strange the middle screen has a black outline around the jumping monster like it was Cut&Copied into the shot?!? At first i thought it was some sort of cell-shading then noticed none of the monster/character models in the other screens have it?!MortalDecayIt may actually be cell shaded... :| If that was case wouldnt the rest of the character models have the same style?
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