You hit the nail on the head with Sony not packaging a Mic with the PS3 if Microsoft did the same with the X360 it would be the exact same scenario im sure. The reason more people talk online with the X360 is the Mic is there. . . no hassle out of the box!
Timbury's forum posts
[QUOTE="GTR2addict"] i've passed crysis 9 times on delta with several mods installed, i don't need to be lectured about ANY aspect of it.MK-Professor
Actually you need some lectured because if you haven't play with 60fps(veryhigh, 1920x1200) is like you didn't play crysis.
Really i could of swore i did play through Crysis even though i didnt have it at those settings i played at 1440x900 VeryHigh 30-40FPS stop trying to show off you don't need to play at it those settings to appreciate the game :roll:framerate is more important than graphics. what does it help me to have a pretty game if it doesn't play smoothly? It's why I can't understand why the PS3 version of DA:O scored higher than the x360.stygiansanityIts all about the graphics this generation didn't you know :P Even though framerate should be a factor in graphics and the review should of taking that into account when reviewing both versions.
Would rather the game be a steady 30FPS with great graphics then 60FPS with not so great graphics but then again it all depends on the type of game you are playing.
Even though anything on or over 25FPS is perfectly playable to me on certain games!
I was a Nintendo kid up until the Saturn... then I guess I was both...
but just FYI - there is a Legacy gaming board on gamespot.
Sega Kid had the Master System 2 then the MegaDrive 2 and finally the Dreamcast i loved everything SEGA!!! Never had the Saturn skipped that in favour of the PS1 and N64.It's clear that the game took advantage of the previous years of development that went into Ninja Gaiden 2, just like Sigma did with the original NG.. If you think that Sigma was built from scratch well then, you aren't exactly standing on solid ground. You can embolden and highlight words and phrases all you want but it doesn't make anything you said any less ridiculous.Even if a game is developed on 2 different systems there are certain things that can still be ported over or converted.[QUOTE="heretrix"]
Read and understand..
1. PS3 and xbox360 are two diffrent platforms with diffrent specs and archtecture, the benefits of one game made on either platform dose not = added benifit to the other console. Games have to be made diffrently "EVEN IF" the final result ends up being the same.
So, It's not "extra" when you're working on a diffrent platform using a diffrent engine. Somewehre along the lines you've failed to grasp this very simple point I's not too late tho. :)
If the two games were being made simultaniously using the same engine you would have a point...BUT :)
WOW whatever dude.
other than the events/stroyline what "development" are you talking about? They are custom engines built completly independant of each other, neither engine is going to give an advantage to the other engine because they are built to take advantage ofeach particualr console. lol man u try to hard.
it's obvious you're getting mad trying to defend your flawed statement, are you sore that I pointed it out? I don't want to argue with you on this I've made my points clear.
They are two completely diffrent engines made to take advantage of the strengths of each individual system. One of the games begain development after the other was completely finished so NO the PS3 engine can't take advantage of the strengths of the xbox360 engine because they are completly diffrent.
You really believe they made a entirely new engine for the PS3 version of Ninja Gaiden 2 i would love to see facts and links to back up these claims. At the moment i have seen none of either except your own words, i just don't see them creating an entire new engine sorry.I would say they are using the exact same engine just tweaked and changed to run with the PS3 architecture in mind thats what they have been doing this year not creating a new engine.
Yes, it's true, it's been proven, heck, I even played that version.:shock:[QUOTE="mitu123"]
Are you serious....?The Soul Calibur 2 on XBOX play on 720p....?.........amazing..:o
...................i have Soul Calibur 2 on GC but i need to buy this game on the XBOX.
You will also need the Xbox Component Cables and a compatible TV!
Is there any Wii game that have 2xXBOX graphics like Conker - Live&Reloaded and Doom 3 on XBOX..?
Again, what do you mean by 2xXBOX graphics? You are not being clear about it.
Is there any Wii game that have double the GPU power of the XBOX......"Conker - Live&Reloaded and Doom 3"..? I think he is trying to say are there any games on the Wii that look 2x as good as Conker: Live & Reloaded and Doom 3 on the Xbox. There are games that look just as good if not better, but no game on the Wii looks two times better at the moment. And i don't think that is going to change, shame the Wii is treated this way by the majority of developers.I don't think anyone in this thread has praised the games graphics as much as your making out?! Its been about the how the games runs and the bad port to the PS3.i wont use this game to show off 360's gpu, cuz the game looks like a wii game in HD, use games like Geow2, ME2, etc, but for crying out loud people, you are giving Sega alot of credit for the game's graphics.
[QUOTE="HarlockJC"]I don't think Wii Fit plus is selling anywhere near as much as Wii Fit SamiRDuranits selling 500k a week, i dont remember wii fit selling anywhere close to that amount. it was 200-300k. Now im sad again!
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