@Revl8n The Old Republic is pretty good by MMO standards, and delayed by almost a year instead of rushed. Sooner or later you're going to have to see that EA has at least taken a few big steps toward being a better publisher. Sports games aside...
Just to remind everyone. The Playstation Eye is not required to operate the system. Therefore not being part of a bundle is a simple decision, not necessarily a cheap tactic.
@davahsa You're meriting Microsoft over Sony for finally figuring out how to have full control over their servers? This being a company that (aside from a think-tank and a few hours) needed an outside request to say "Yeah, P2P does hurt gaming, we totally knew that. Here's this new cloud thing. Fixed."
I don't know, don't put me in a tinfoil hat, but I'm done listening to Microsoft's ideas, only to be disappointed or alienated when they get applied. I just don't have the heart any more. Or the denial to pay Microsoft for the right to pay Netflix while already paying more than I would be paying to PS+ for "freeish" games every so often.
I do agree about the kids though, damn kids and their "wildberry" poptarts and such.
Timmy_Gwar's comments