I'm actually pretty glad that this keeps popping up and nothing gets done about it. It gives me hope that this issue will simply run out of steam. I mean, maybe we don't need an article every time. But I now have faith that things will continue to go nowhere.
@BoromiRwcgeorge @keel098890 Go ahead and download all the graphics mods and then spawn that many soldiers. Your adding many more textures, animations and a crapload of AI. This would cripple most PC's.
@Sardinar I am so sick of hearing this. Games take awhile to develop, and don't require being on next gen to be good games. Good games require great thinking and design. Look at Journey or Bioshock: infinite. Despite your personal opinions, Journey came out of the depths of the indy scene to share in massive critical success same as Bioshock (Just not so indy). Sure, Journey almost bankrupted the dev team, but I can imagine that buying a next gen dev kit isn't cheap at all and would, as a result, be counter productive.
Plus, the alternative is that we hold all games until the next consoles come out...
@sam441 I think you mean to say that the concept for their water design disagrees with you. No way a game that hasn't come out yet could be good or bad.
I would be less disappointing if they actually released one of these every weekday. I mean, we all know there have been gaps. Just stop saying you will be doing one every weekday and then saying, almost immediately afterwards that "WE, won't be back tomorrow". WHAT DOES IT MEAN!? Is it code? Are you in some sort of alternate universe where DR.Who isn't popular and a weekday is whenever you feel like it? WTF? I like this show! Stop tugging my heart strings!
@electro57 I doubt that is why. Micro transactions are extremely profitable. Look at Team Fortress 2. Or every other game. We can't really fight profit, but we should still be adamant about micro-transactions not being required to enjoy the game. Or, like TF2, games could be free with micro-transaction models embedded.
I don't actually have $60 to drop on every game I want to play. I don't pirate, but I see the appeal. Unless, of course, the games industry and EA are lying to us about the reasons for DRM, micro-transactions and free initial titles could eliminate the need for it.
Timmy_Gwar's comments