What Miyamoto seems to no take into account is the fact that WiiU and DS are vastly different.
Here's some reasons:
1). DS has ALOT of games, even at launch it did. WiiU became a black sheep for developers, everyone skips it.
2). WiiU is a console, a home console. DS is portable, there is no comparison between the two for obvious reasons, main one being target market. Might aswell compare a PC to a Smartphone.
3). DS had virtually no competitors. PSP put up quite a fight at the start but as times went on the PSP failed to keep up and DS was light-years ahead. On the other hand, WiiU faces fierce competiton on all fronts, it can't even beat the current gen at it's present state, not to mention the PC.
4). WiiU's gimmick is pointless and inconvenient, and far from Innovative, SONY did it with PSP remote control and Vita too. DS's gimmick was actually useful. Not saying the tablet controller doesn't have it's usefulness, but c'mon, it simply doesn't do anything new or ground-breaking. DS was brilliant.
So yes, both came out of Nintendo, both vastly different consoles, and in more than hardware.
@Thanatos2k @TohouAsura @iMpLuX You're an idiot, you know that? Don't underestimate people so much, your fabled "Editors" and "Reviewers" are no different from the average gamer, they just write better. While the majority isn't always right, usually it has a good basis.
And that's your opinion man. I find it fun and creative in it's own ways. Maybe you just suck at it.
That's nice, and a good choice. DRM only slightly delays the inevitable, and does more damage than it helps.
And you know' he's right. I remember pirating a game once, that before the installation, had a popup with incredibly loud annoying music that said " By pressing OK you agree to eventually buy this game, otherwise this message won't go away". Funny stuff.
OF course I didn't buy the game. In my defense, it was a really shitty game.
I remember when they Announced Witcher 2 was pirated 3x more times than it sold. I felt so bad for pirating it I bought the double pack of Witcher 1 & Witcher 2 right off GoG. Money well spent.
I'm waiting for them to announce a collector's edition.
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