Xbox360 has largely been a hardware failure, a huge chunk of it's sales come from people needing to buy a new Xbox to paly their games after the warranty passed. Also a very liimted number of good exclusive games.
Relying on other services to keep it relevant and charging you for a service that is in no way better than the competitor's in good old MS style, makes gaming on the Xbox less than convenient for anyone but the average dumb joe with too much moneh and time on his hand..
Who cares. I never considered Xbox a good console, and i'm not going to either.
Plus, no one said Internet isn't going to be forced on you regardless, even if it's not always online, there will still be stuff like forcing you to use online services for certain features, online activations, and the freedom to let developers do what they want.
When MS says they are not going to force you to use the web, they don't maen that publishers won't either.
And from what it looks like, Xbox720 still doesn't offer much in the way of games.
@aaron25m @ddoggbritt16 @okassar Too true. AC2 was strong on content and story.
AC1 was amazing on the actual assassinations and atmosphere.
I wish they would go back into the Middle Ages, or even further, to the times of the Roman empire, or maybe the Islamic Golden Age, I feel Ubisoft really missed the mark on that one.
TohouAsura's comments