MGS4 isn't THAT enormous. it's 28GB. L.A. Noire is almost the same size.
Metal Gear Rising is 23GB. Both LA Noire and Metal Gear Rising are available on Xbox.
Games filesizes are bloated on PS3 because Blu-Ray discs have a very slow reading speed, making compression impractical and even requires duplication.
Xbox games weight less because DVDs have better reading speeds, they can decompress files at a fairly acceptable rate.
There's no fucking way MGS4 would be 7 disks, that's not even viable. One HD-DVD disk is approximately 8.7GB.
7 disks x 8.7GB = 60.9 GB of potential space. That's far more than the average Blu-Ray disk, and more than twice the size of MGS4. And that's without compression.
@ecurl143 I actually support the idea of making the consoles a media-nerve center, the PS1/2 were a landmark in that.
I do NOT think they should be social hubs though. Games are still their main purpose and asset, and should not detract from that, since if they do that, what better are they from an average Blu-Ray player?
@Infinity_Gauntl TO be more precise, PS3 was an ambitious but ultimately short-sighted console, WiiU is a "**** technology!" console, and Xbox360 is a "half-baked wanna-be-better-sony" console.
In general, the 7th gen consoles are really not up to par with the bang their predecessors delivered.
Microsoft's lineup is non-existant, as always. Last gen they had the huge benefit of having Epic develop Gears solely for them, and the fact they bought Bungie early on assured them the success of the HALO franchise.
But it's always been a deadmeat product. Microsoft has fallen out of glory since the days of Freelancer and AoE, as far as gaming is concerned.
The more I hear about the X720, the more I laugh and happy I never made the transition.
The fact they hyph Respawn's game (which sounds pretty damn generic and lousy other than the futuristic setting) as a game from the makers of Call Of Duty, comes to show they aren't really looking to deliver an amazing lineup of games, but to deliver a brand.
Meanwhile, SONY has announced the strongest lineup in PlayStation history. Even Nintendo's WiiU is finally getting on it's feet.
SONY at least learned from it's errors, Microsoft has the tendency to keep making them.
Right now on CFW 4.30, and I can play any game you can, online and offline. I can even use the store and Home, in addition to awesome homebrew that allows emulation and enhancements to my PS3.
@GH05T-666 We've been hearing you people since the 90's.
So far, the industry became ever more growing, PS2 and Wii, the most best-selling home consoles of all time, also happened to be the most hacked, and piracy has opened the flood-gates to what eventually became filesharing, the cloud, and modding.
Just because greeddy corporate dickheads payed off the courts to outlaw piracy, doesn't suddently mean it was bad.
Not saying it's good either, it's a gray zone, but high horse morale arguments are always doomed to fail.
Also, have you ever downloaded a copyrighted song for free? a picture? a movie? I have no doubt that you have.
That too, is piracy.
Oh, so when it's your hobby it's despicable, when it's other medias it's normal? Hurr pa durr.
TohouAsura's comments