@DaCriLL "If im playing an epic crimestory i want a caracther i can relate to and/or look up to. The whole "women want him, men want to be him" kind of thing. "
You mean like Niko Bellic, The fat slavic immigrant? Or the washed up Max Payne from MP3?
Ya hararar, no. Trevor is probably the furthest from the everyday man, but he perfectly fits the crazy redneck stereotype.
Michael is the reformed criminal who is sick of his boring middle aged life and want to live life as in the old days again, when everything made sense.
Franklin is the guy who was born into a life of crime, yet unlike his brethren, actually wishes to make something out of himself and live the life he wished for, not the one he got.
Even back during the 6th gen wacky GTAs, Rockstar always had the "everyday men" as their flagship protganists. The "prefect ideal hero" type who is stressed by nothing and capable of everything is incredibly generic and boring compared to the troubled protagonists they now have. They are more relatable.
I think for what you want, you should play Saints Row.
CJ reborn... This looks AWESOME. Only unlike CJ, this guy tries to get OUT of the gangbangin' business, not back in. I can go along with that, a criminal trying to make something out of his life. Not that it really worked for Niko, but hey, rehab is not the reason why I play GTA!
And those strippers, mhmm... Beats GTAIV's strippers with the Polybutts, anyways.
Only complaint is how everything looks like it's made out of silicon (valley). Really hope they fix that before the game's done.
Art is a very sketchy and blurry thing. There is no one true answer, it was ambiguous to begin with and nowadays serves more as a prestige than it does for quality.
I believe that any craft that requires skill and a personal style that channels the creator's emotions and style is art. I believe anything that is being expressed in an honest manner is art.
But I don't think art always == quality. Because it doesn't.
As a person down in the comments said, you can literally poop on a canvas and have it be called art. It's still feces smeared on a canvas, though.
I honestly hate how people who draw and make music are called "artists" and everyone else isn't.
Music and Drawing are ancient crafts, but they require no more skill and passion than developing games or making movies does. It's just a stigma and a linguistic tendency.
@lilmcnessy Probably because other than wrecking chaos, whichbecame that much less fun in GTAIV, there is really nothing interesting to do otherwise?
Oh right, let's go bowling with Roman or look at fake 3D titties in stripper clubs, or better yet, venture into the fake Web 2.0! Great activities!... For about 30 minutes.
@Navardo95 @Scorpion1813 @Martyr77 Not really. It's part of the experience, for sure, and it's specifically the game's focus, but let me ask you this:
If a game has great gameplay and bad story, is it still a good game with lame story? Probably.
If a game has great story but shitty gameplay, is it a still a good game? Probably not.
Spec Ops the line is such an example. It has a real impacttful story, but it's a really generic game otherwise, and basically only rent-worthy. Play it once, experience the story, done. Game has no replay value.
TohouAsura's comments