I have to admit, I was NOT seeing this combination coming.
What's next? Rockstar and EA Sports? (I'm sorry I shouldn't even joke about that, but lord knows Niko Bellic could use the exercise :P).
But this is good.
I pity horror fans. They have been mistreated so badly. First Silent Hill got raped, then Resident Evil got mutilated, and now Dead Space got flattened.
It's actually kind of ironic and quite fitting that horror franchises keep meeting tragic ends.
People think that having a new poster boy automatically means innovation. It really doesn't, look at the FPS market.
Nintendo still attracts fans by having the regular poster boys, but the games themselves do change.
I think new IPs are needed because not everyone likes Mario and Link, but that doesn't mean they are stagnant.
Pokemon, for example, IS suffering from stagnation and deterioration ( Have you seen the new Mewtwo?! WHAT THE ****). I guess we'll have to wait for Pokemon X and Y to see if the psuedo-3D transition makes an actual difference.
Harder =/= better. In fact, the reason why console FPS gaming sucks is because of the lack of accurate pi-point pixel precision and speed of the mouse.
The mouse is easier to use, but not because of any aim assist or compensations for lack of skill & hardware limitations like analogs, it's easy to use because it's accurate. And that's what FPS games require, accuracy.
TohouAsura's comments