I don't know if this guy worked on AC3 or not, as it doesn't say, but whoever wrote AC3 was a dinglebell moron and I question any skill he has in writing.
AC3 has one of the shallowest, weakest and uninteresting stories i've ever seen. Connor was boring to tears, absolutely no character development whatsoever, just a naive and stupid child that gets angry and fooled by everything and anything.
The setting itself was completely wasted and didn't involve me in it in the slightest bit. Washington was promised to be interesting yet whatever screentime you had of him was pretty wasteful and gave nothing about his character.
As for the Modern setting, oh wow. Desmond's character has gotten even worse, getting random teenage tandems out of nowhere, always clueless about what he's doing and that retarded ending, ME3 without the choices. Brilliant.
I hope whoever wrote AC3 has absolutely no involvement whatsoever in the new iteration.
@mlcarter815 @blackrunie Bullshit. It's a personal choice people make, and maybe boys really do have the tendency to work with more mechanical, less visual specialties like Programming, who knows.
Programming is limited to no one, Thousands of online tutorials and professional courses almost anywhere.
That's nice, but PR tricks don't fool me so easily. As if they are really losing that much, their products are so overpriced for having nothing more than a few extra buttons, a comfy surface and cool LEDs, so what are they really losing? If anything, 90% coupons are closer to the price of the actual materials used.
TohouAsura's comments