18% of people completed a game who's campaign is less than 4 hours long?
Well, in their defense, story wasn't why people played Just Cause 2.
I can see where he's coming from, it's a waste to write a story no one bothers with, and frustrating on top of it.
But I don't agree that it doesn't make business sense, as there are different types of games.
For a game like Just Cause, yes, story isn't really that important. I still think it should be there and that it should be good for atmosphere and motivation.
But for games like The Last Of Us, Beyond: Two Souls and Heavy Rain, it is crucial, since they have little interesting gameplay mechanics and so story must compensate for it.
Your whole second paragraph leads me to the conclusion you have no idea what you are talking about.
MGS4 didn't use Standard compression techniques because Blu Ray can't handle it, due to the incredibly slow read speed it has (There's a reason why almost every second PS3 game recommends HDD install).
The loading would take forever and ever.
The problem wasn't a size problem to begin with, it's an architecture one. It has nothing to do with raw power (which technically PS3 does have more of at the expense of memory), the problem is PS3 uses an isometric Cell architecture, which is heaps and bounds different from an X360 architecture. Changing an X360 to work with PS3 is not too much of a problem, but PS3 to X360 conversion is a bitch, and nigh on impossible if hardcoded on lower levels for the PS3.
Hell, it's questionable if even PS4 would be able to play MGS4, given it's PC architecture. It's probably gonna be through emulation.
@Gus_Bliss @grayyfoxx @Tinythegiant LOL your saying that as if he owes you something. If graphics are that much of an issue for you then go play Twin Snakes, clearly story and gameplay are not much of a factor to you.
@Uri-Z Twin Snakes is a lesser version of MGS1, you're better off playing the original without the 1st person mode that made the game 10x easier and the over-the-top action.
@cornbredx I agree to a certain extent. As a programmer and hobby artist, when I'm done with something I almostalways end up being ashamed of it abit. I don't particularly hate what I create, but I can always point out the flaws very quickly and hesitant to show my creation to others, whether it's code or illustration.
Hell, sometimes it feels like stripping naked in public.
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