@vadagar1 NO it wasn't. It was ugly and limited, but if there was one thing From did good with the PC version, it was keeping it surprisingly bug free for the most of it.
@soeppel NO one shot down anyone questioning the quality but the most blind of fanboys.
It was a shitty port, there is no argument there. Thankfully, with Keyboard mods and the famous DSFix and 60fps mods, the game became fully playable and even quite pleasant. But it's still preferable to play it with a controller.
@petez34 @Gravity_Slave It is distinguishable, when put side by side.
Hell, I can still see the difference between 52 and 60 fps. 60fps is just super buttery, silky smooth, and 50 is pretty damn smooth, but about as much as a kitchen table map.
I always preffered Sonic over Mario, The Prince and other characters over Zelda, Chief over Samus Aran, etc..
But Even I can admit, this video is nothing but whining. How shallow can you be to say Nintendo wasn't actually innovating with it's games?
Nintendo games are, at many times, actually ARE innovative in their gameplay and design. No Zelda game is the same. Mario has dozens of different offshoots to choose from.
They are keeping the mascots because the mascots are what's keeping people coming back. Under the guise of a new IP, who would've possibly played games like Galaxy? Not many people.
I still think Nintendo needs some new IPs too, but to compare Nintendo's games to the likes of stagnant franchises like CoD is atrocious.
@DevilArK1993 @TohouAsura The failure of RE6 was one thing, but the incredible distain they have towards DmC and MM and their respective fans angers me beyond belief.
I enjoyed Dragons Dogma, but I know very well that it was not a product of CAPCOM's devs, and I refuse to give CAPCOM any credit for it.
@Animus625 Nahh, GTA was never that crazy, more in the lines of SR2. SR3 was just juvenile craziness.
Rockstar had decided to go more realistic because they reached a boiling point with GTAIV being on the new gen. Before, the line was blurry due to technical limitations, but with the 7th gen, realism was much easier to achieve, so they had to make a choice.
And so the fanbase got split.
Those who wanted the crazy goofiness went for SR2. Those who liked the realism stayed with GTA IV.
TohouAsura's comments