@Smokescreened84 @TohouAsura @Chrisf7 " Women are not a minority, that's a male notion. "
Do you want me to link you to the InfoGraphic, or are you still going to act in denial even then?
BTW the infoGraphic was anonymous and based on information inputted into Origin and the various console networks. There is no shame when no one even knows it's you.
@Cloud_imperium "Without laws book you really don't know what to do and what not . "
Yes you can, by teaching moral values to your children and familiars, being caring and taking upon yourself the responsibility to improve yourself and your society.
You don't need a book to tell you that, that's for simpletons.
@Smokescreened84 @Chrisf7 "The female gamer demographic has grown a lot in the past decade thanks to games like The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Mass Effect, the gradual improvements to the Tomb Raider series and other games."
BioWare's Infographic states more than 80% of the Shepards were male. And take into consideration the fact that some of the guys who played this game also played female shepard, and your whole first paragraph crumbles.
Women have become a very vocal minority, but they are still a minority.
It is hard, and it is unfitting. A male lead who performs the stuff the men of the franchise do, and their decay from the normal society into the life of crime, is a story well-known and happens everyday.
You want to know where 90% of the girls who fall into that life end up? In a whorehouse.
You do seem to live in your own little imaginary world though, thinking if you act like a strong woman the mob will somehow respect you. That is not how things work in a crime empire.
@Smokescreened84 Wow, that whole idiotic comment just screams feminazism.
I don't know why I even bother to comment on this, I prefer your kind to stay away from GTA.
But in all honesty, what the **** makes you think a female lead could, in any way, work in a game like GTA?
This isn't fucking Saints Row, it's a game that mirrors and parodies real mobsters, and mobsters are usually men, operating above the laws of equality.
Why do you assume that being fucked in the arse by publishers is a direct result of not being talented?
Go to Kickstarter, Jaffe, and look at all these amazing games being made with incredible depth none of your games ever reached.
It doesn't matter how much skill you have, if the publisher doesn't find your game worthwhile because of mainstream demand, he won't publish it. And as we know, the industry is being ruled by a few major companies, and the rest fall in-between, doomed to sell little copies regardless of the quality because of the marketing and funding given to other games by their publishers.
You simply cannot survive in such a full-on capitalistic approach. It's self-destructive.
TohouAsura's comments