Man Ot really likes metal... I havn't even heard of any of the bands mentioned...
Tokugawa77's forum posts
I knew this one was coming. It's always inevitable. But how would an idealistic philosophy of communism otherwise survive and persist in the world where the whole of capitalistic-owned world is turned against them? I'm not justifying the actions of communist leaders setting up internment camps and such per se, nor do I think they do it because they are in love with communistic principles necessarily, they do it because they are allowed to. Take away that ability, make them responsible and accountable and take away the restraints of western embargoes and threats of aggression and then you can run the communist experiment and see how it plays out. If it fails in a fair fight then we might just as well conclude that communism is a failed idea OR that humanity isn't mature enough for communism yet.
Communism sounds all nice and fair, but it is not and never will be practical. As long as such as thing as human greed exists, communism will always fail and be worse to the people it claims to defend than capitalism ever was.
It is a good point though, that Cuba is poor becase of embargoes (imposed by capitalists), not because of the fact that they are communist.
[QUOTE="IslamicRadical"][QUOTE="brickdoctor"]No, man. The Quran is the better. not if your going by salesNah man, the Bible is better.
But yes if you are going by projected sales ;)
[QUOTE="IslamicRadical"][QUOTE="brickdoctor"]No, man. The Quran is the better. lol oh no islamic radical is your name i expect a ban soon.Nah man, the Bible is better.
Why would he be banned...
butsince we are talking about religion, I would have my class read His Dark Materials.
There's this one user who is so pro-US he seems to beleive in manifest destiny. He once said that at the end of WW2, the imperial family of japan should have been rounded up and shot, and then Basically make Japan a puppet through impossible war reparations...Needless to say, if that were to have happened, no video games :shock:
Perhaps, but taking revenge (in this scenario) has made me happier than before, knowing he is dead. Net happiness and utility has increased.
And the killer's family mourns his death. Net happiness has, in fact, not increased.
Part of the net happiness increase is the fact that he can't kill anyone else.
Net happiness? I get what you are trying to say here but I would tend the think that the greif of the killer's family would outweigh the "happiness" of the killer's would-be victims who havn't even heard of him. I have a pretty nuetral opinion. On the one hand, I would most certainly want revenge if I were wronged. However, I have the foresight to know that revenge is selfish and goes against my moral values, so it basically comes down to wether or not I will be able to control my emotions. Since I have never been in such a position, I have no idea whether or notgetting revenge would make me feel any better. Forget all of the movies you've seen about revenge.
Yeah tell em' I agree with you all the way... Slim may not be as he was in the past, but he is still a great rapper(:[QUOTE="Jph625"]
Best rapper alive in my opinion. I'm not some blind eminem lover, I respect Nas, Jay-Z, etc. but I personally like his music more than the others. I think that today he's compared to old Em which is just unfair. If you listen to Recovery and think its a bad album then you either don't like Em, Rap, or don't know what you're talking about.
Yes, technically he is the best rapper, but nowadays, in terms of content and emotions... i dunno, it just seems so dumbed down from albums like the eminem show. He is more crude now, even more so than in SSLP, where his crude and offensive lyrics were funny rather than just wierd like they are now.
I come to OT to debate. Way better than some debate team;here school students can still debate and not get commit social suicide :P
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