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Toplesslemon Blog

It's Good News Week!

Well, not really, but GNW is back! Yay!

I thought I'd catch you up on what I'm doing nowadays.

First my sister got a new kitten, and named her Tempe (ten points for anyone that can pick the reference), but now Jethro (my cat) has gone missing.

I'm doing year 12 at the moment

It's very hot (40 and it's only 8:43am)

Well, that's about it. Oh, and I'm watching Good News Week.

"I refuse to be part of this channel ten cross-promotion!"

Hope you guys are all well.

Love to stay and talk, but I have Modern History in ten minutes (not actually that modern)


Oh, and my dad died, but that was way back in November (the day after my birthday, in fact)

91 Blog Posts

I haven't read anyone else's blog for ageeees. Man, that sucks. Sorry people. I will get around to it. I've been added some fics to my C2 thingy. Now I get what you mean when you say there's no good Tate fics. I think I can work that my way.

Anyway; update on the net thing; AAPT has been charging us for the net, despite the fact that won't connected us. So we've said we not going to pay them one cent until it's connected. So, it's probably connected by now. I'll check when I get home!

Lets see; nothing else much happening. Han we should do something sometime. Hey, it's my birthday on Tuesday... Yay, I guess.

I got the Chaser's new book for 12.95 at Borders! :gasp:


You Know What We Need? Tate Day

No, I'm serious.

We all need a day to celebrate Tate. Or a day for Ships, anyway. We need a day were we can get together and talk about Tate and those who have moved on can have last day of rememberance. And also we can overflow with Tate fics! That'll show them!!

There's a day for wearing pjs to work, so where's the Tate/Ship Day? Actually that's not a bad name... TateShip Day. :D

Hey Ellen! I'm still alive, by the way...


Press Gang - The Greatest Show in the Universe. EVER.


I'm in love. Don't you just love that period of time before you start hating a TV show? My new obsession is an old English TV show called Press Gang. The greatness of it is far too much for me to be able to express it in words. Any one else heard of it? I NEED someone to talk to about it! It's written by Steven Moffat who also wrote the greatest episodes of Doctor Who ever (The Empty Child and The Doctor Dances).

Haven't been here for a while. I apologise. Our net was suppose to be working a month ago. Stupid AAPT. Well, how are you all these days? Apart from older?

I miss you!


I Can't Say Anything, My Mum's Right Beside ME

Hey Guys

I know I'm going to have access to the internet tomorrow, so I thought I'd write to you now so you're not condemned to a rushed, misspelled note like you always get nowadays.

It's Saturday morning around 9:12 am (well, duh). I'm watching JTV (and writing this - on paper too! (And now I'm typing this at 11:14)). JTV is the radio station Triple J's TV show. At the moment the clip is Lazy Eye by Silversun Pickups. The Silversun Pickups are going to be the support for the Snow Patrol shows. I wish I was going!

How are you all? Bearing in mind that I won't read anything you type for awhile. Two weeks! That's how long since I've last been on the net. Even longer for The library I was using computers don't like It doesn't work. Or maybe it just doesn't work on the computer I always end up using (number 4). It won't post anything and every time I clicked on a link it'd have a spaz. But I'm using a different computer today, so it should work (hopefully).

If I have time I might update my fics! Won't that be weird? My C2's also been neglected. I might try and add some new stuff there. Man! But I have been reading some fics, not many, but some. Some of Ellen's were in the last batch I read. Ellen! They were great! How come you're so talented? How can you keep coming out with hit after hit?

Reviewing, I haven't been doing. Not enough time. But if you've wrote something I've probably read it. And loved it.

What's happened lately? Harry Potter! Have you read the last one? Sucked in Harry/Hermione fans! (Sorry if you are one.) HAN, YOUR MUM WAS RIGHT! But it was pretty obvious if you thought about it, wasn't it? Did anyone else go to the launch? I went to the Borders. Got there a 7:45 am (the book came out at 8:31 am here) and there was already a huge line. And that was OUTSIDE! We got in at 8:20 and the line inside was massive! The line went all around the bottom floor and then up the escalators (they stopped the down side and people were sitting on stairs reading) and right to the back of the first floor! (The line itself was like a tour of Borders - got to see every part of it!) But we were overlooking the front of the line so we got the best view of them opening the boxes of books. A couple of people even camped out. One person was outside by 8:30 the night before (which was stupid - he could have been inside - Borders was still open at that time).

And Crossing Jordan! NOO!! On Tuesday CJ finished. As in, finished, finished! I'm so upset about that! I've been watching it for six years, how could it end? *sigh* But, hey, the CJ/Las Vegas crossover's on next week. So, it's not quite gone, is it? (JUST AGREE WITH ME.)

As well as saying goodbye to CJ, I also farewell-ed most of my hair, too. I got it cut and now it's short. And foil-ed (so I look slightly skanky). It's just past my shoulders now. It used to be long as, as in down to my elbows, long.

Let's see, what else? Oh, Ten's replaying the episodes of CI with the person from Chasing Liberty (who played Cynthia Morales in CL) in! Which I haven't seen. It's great! Her character's great! She's now my favourite character! Anyone seen any movies lately? The last I saw was The Simpsons. I thought it was okay. It was funny-ish.

Oh, can someone tell me what a "Klondike" bar is and why people will do anything to get one? And does anyone know how many Baby Sitter Club books there are? I think there was something like 130 normal ones, plus the Super Specials and mysteries, etc. But I'm not sure. Yes, that's how bored I am without the net. I'm trying to re-read all my BSC books. However I can only read about three in a row without wanting to throw up. Thankfully I can only find about 60 (we have over 100 somewhere - but 60 in my room).

My sister just handed me the Grow Week options/program. Grow Week is what my old school did. It's a week where you can go on camps and do other "fun activities" (some of them weren't fun at all). It's not fair! My sister gets to do fun stuff! Café Business and Movie Madness are still going, Han (she went there as well), but there's a Year Book one where you get to write the Year Book! THAT'S WHAT I WISHED I COULD DO EVERY SINGLE GROW WEEK! But they didn't think it up until AFTER I leave!

Cold War Kids! Are great. And Regina S's version of the John Lennon song "Real Love" is pretty cool too. And the song that JTV's playing, Tie Up My Hands by British India is good too! And has anyone heard the new Something for Kate song?!

Whoops. Forgot what I was saying. Ben Lee was on JTV. Boast Your Toast (which is a segment where the make toast using a recipe that's been sent in). Strawberry Dream. Which is toast with Nutella on (only ABC didn't say Nutella - they have strict product placement laws, they said "chocolate", but it was obvious it was Nutella) and sliced strawberries on top. Rosie liked it. Rosie, by the way, is the host of JTV (like that idiot Fuzzy on Video Hits, only a zillion, billion, times better), and possibly the greatest person in the world (that I haven't met).

Torchwood isn't on this week! Damn Ten! I'm so into Torchwood now. I don't mind Gwen. Yesterday I saw a movie that had the person that plays Gwen in it. It was set in WW2 London and a bomb dropped on Gwen (well, her house). And she was all bloody, but I didn't watch the rest so I don't know if she died or not. Maybe. She was very bloody. And she was talking about someone named Jack just before the bomb hit. And Vala. I like her now, after Thursday's episode. She made me laugh. But Shanks wasn't in it... Sorry, Ben Lee just promised that JTV will never frame anything with ivory. Back to the point! Maybe I like her when Daniel's not around. Like the 10th Doctor.

I think that last paragraph was mostly for Han (I'm betting it didn't make sense to anyone else, and probably not even to Han). How's year 12, Han? I never want to ring you in case I'm interrupting some super-important-year-12-business. Plus Bethany's always on the phone now. Yesterday I walked into the bathroom and Bethany was brushing her teeth with one hand and texting someone with the other. Apparently you can send text messages from our home phone, well, Beth can, I can't. Man, the Yeah, Yeah, Yeahs are on some serious junk! Watch the Down Boy clip if you don't believe me!

Well, I've rambled on for enough time, I think. JTV is almost over (MCR was number one - Teenagers (the song, I'm not complaining about teenagers)), my hand hurts, and I've taken up almost four pages in my notebook...

Until next time, when you probably won't remember me, or maybe you don't remember now, in which case all the words were for nothing...


(I started walking 'cause my heart was frozen and I couldn't feel a thing... Something for Kate, The Futurist)

(I've been waiting, I've been waiting for this moment all of my life, but it's not quite right... Silversun Pickups, Lazy Eye)


No, I'm not back.

But I finally have more than 30 seconds on the net. In fact I have 23 minutes remaining.

If you haven't heard, I'm net-less. That's why I haven't been around. I miss you guys SO much! We just got the second season of NCIS and I have no one to talk to about the Tateness!

Hope you guys are well


My Busy Weekend...

Hey guys!

Want to hear about my extremely busy weekend that is the reason I've hadn't been here and is also the reason I'm a thousand hours late on the next chapter of FL?

I'll take that silence as a "YES!" 


Han can explain this better, but someone was talking to her on MSN about how they were stalking us, and how it was funny that they were reading our but we knew nothing about them. Except they're from Poland, or something and are 13 (is that what you said Han? Very tired at the moment. I didnt dream the whole convo about it, did I?)

Is it one of you guys?

Eh, anyway, on with my story...

On Friday night I went out with YC (Young Carers) group. We went bowling and then Ice Skating. I won bowling, so "Go me", but I'm too unco for ice skating. And the music was horrible, and the lighting gave me a headache, but it was still fun.

Then I came home and fell into a deep sleep, and when I woke up I watched Hannah Montana and a couple of video clips on JTV (Bright Eyes, and Cold War Kids, in fact, and both of those clips are in black and white!)

Then I packed all my stuff that I needed for Laurens movie night sleepover thing, and my mum and I went to the shops. With all my stuff because we caught the bus. People gave my mum the weirdest looks when she entered the library with a pillow. :P Then we went and saw my Grandfather, who loves in a country town about an hours bus trip from the shops, so we went most of the arvo doing that. Then we got stuck at the bus station for an hour. Fun!

But it was a good bus to chose because JayC (my friend) got on! She was also going to Laurens. So, then when we got to the bus stop I had someone to wait with for 20 minutes for our stupid bus.

We found Santa too! There was this dummy Santa dumped near the bus interchange thing. We thought it was a real person at first, just a really short one. It was freaky.

And from then to now I've been at Laurens place. I've only just got home. I need a whole other blog entry to explain what happened at Laurens and why I shall be killing Karl.

So, that's why I haven't been online, or responding to reviews, or adding chapters, but I'm getting there! 


S Club 7... It's My Torture Method

Many people don't know this; but my torture method is a "band".

An English "band".

There was seven of 'em (Well, then Paul left and they became S Club and became crap, well, okay, their movie was actually quite funny, but still).

They sung corny love songs.

The guy who got them together was the very same who got the Spice Girls together.

You see; that is my torture method... I still remember every song lyric to every song S Club 7 every sung (but not S Club, because, as I said before, crap-ish. Eh, they were okay. Their last TV series sucked! But the one with the WFF and the animals; that was nice, but they were S Club 7 then...) and I know a ton of not so interesting facts about them.

That is why you never want to anger me.

Man, I really want to watch the episode where they get lost in the woods like Blair Witch...

"I just had this dream we were lost in the woods!"
"Wait a minute, we ARE lost in the woods!"

Oh, and apparently I can quote their TV show too... Probably not the movie; it had something to do with clones. *shrugs*

"All in love is fair, one of us will lose..."

"The colour of blue reminds me of you..."



Just When You Thought I Couldn't Get Lamer...

I went and wrote a NCIS/Chasing Liberty fic!

Oh, I think we already knew about that, right?

Well, now it's on

I don't know know why you'd want to read it, but anyway.

Isn't this orange weird?

Seven has taken off Less Than Perfect! Nooo.... I liked that show.

Eh, they were only repeats. But still, cool show. *gives thumbs up*

Do you know Americans spell anaesthetic "anesthetic". Weird, huh?

The New Young Pony Club song "The Bomb" is written about Albert Einstein. It's a cool song, but you can't find the lyrics anywhere. "Don't speak, 'cause your mind is amazing" is part of it.


Sorry, I was just waiting for Photobucket. :roll:

Here's ANOTHER Chasing Liberty pic of Weiss and Morales... I like to call them Clan ('cause their first names are Cynthia and Alan).

Chasing Liberty cap

So, how are you guys?

Anne; where are you?! 


Went a Little Angsty on Ya There...

Guess I won't be changing colours on ya either.

Damn computer's so screwed.

Sorry about the angst fest.

And the casual swearing.

Once Photobucket loads I'll attemp to add a pic!


So, how are you people?


Eskimo Joe performed my favourite song! :D

Oh, and that guy from NCIS was on... :P

Oooh... Photobucket has loaded.

Excuse me while I try and remember my password.

This is fun, isn't it?

"Somebody's bed will never be warm again, no, the river will keep this friend"

You think that's angsty you should have heard what I will listening before.

My Chemical Romance (Three Cheers, it's better than their new one).

Yep, I know...

Oh, I got "my" computer back.

I say "my" because it isn't really my computer. My computer wasn't that colour, size or shape, but I'm not complaining because my computer also didn't have a DVD player/burner.

I've been watching Chasing Liberty on it a lot. :D

But I've got to take that back tomorrow... *sigh*


"Pull back the shield between us and I'll kiss you, drop your defenses and come into my arms, I'm all for believing, I'm all for believing..."

"Let's take the train to anywhere, I want to feel the wind in my hair with, let's tell them all that soon they'll know how very wrong they were to think we'd never go, and if you tell me yours, I tell you mine..."


Ohh... let's try the little picture thing!

cute CL pic!

Sorry about that, it'll make your computer run slower... but CUTENESS!! (It's from Chasing Liberty)
