The only 2015 games that I truly liked were Rise of the Tomb Raider and the Black Ops 3 main campaign in co-op.
I usually find open world games and MMO's mind crushingly boring but the XB1 version of Elder Scrolls Online (2015 console release so that counts right?) seemed pretty decent for the short time that I played it so I might get back into that.
Force Awakens was a total rehash of Ep. 4 but not as good.
Exact same plot with too many Star Wars tropes shoehorned in just to please the fans.
Rey was a total Mary Sue and even though Kylo Ren seemed really emotional he was the most interesting thing about the movie and saved it from being a total dud.
I give it a 7/10 at the most and that is only because it was a Star Wars movie. I seriously hope the next movie brings more imagination and creativity to the franchise than this one did.
There was nothing in Ep. 7 that was better than Palpatine, Obi-Wan and Yoda in Ep. 3.
Ep 7. was a complete rehash of Ep. 4 but not as good. Force Awakens tried hard imitate any old Star Wars trope they could think of withouut creating anything fresh or new. Honestly Kylo Ren (emo emotions and all) saved the whole thing from being a complete dud.
I get chills just thinking about Idris Elba and Matthew McConoughey one upping each other and taking turns stealing each other scenes. If done right this has the potential to be something special.
I'm just wishing they had gotten a more established director because I haven't seen anything this Arcel guy has done.
TruthSerum808's comments