A lot of people might not know this, what with getting released at the same time as Fallout 4 as well as being an XB1 exclusive, but Rise of the Tomb Raider is GOTY.
The only thing that I found appealing when looking at Battlefront was the shiny graphics.....and that's it.
I hope that Uncharted producer lady fares better with the story based SW game because the one we have now is all kinds of lame. Emperor Palpatine jumping around in the forest???.....smh smh smh smh.....or better yet NOOOOOOO!!
It was really only one reason on that list and that was the exclusive games, most of which don't even have a release date yet. The other two reasons weren't even reasons at all....Playstation NOW???.....lmao...yeah no. Right now as far as game line ups go XB1 is winning. Also the new UI is fantastic.
The only thing Sony is winning at is number of units sold and I can't play number of units sold on my tv.
TruthSerum808's comments