I say no and HELL NO to pvp in Dragon Age. Why does everything have to end up like Cod or LoL?
There aren't enough good co-op games out there as it is and you want to pile another PvP game on top of the mountain of hundreds of PvP games that are already out there? Screw that.
And besides, they would have to re-balance all of the characters to make the PvP fair thus completely ruining what each character was meant to be in the first place.
Still not gonna play it though. I don't know why but Ubisoft games just don't do it for me. To me they are just missing something even though all of their AAA games appear to be well made technically (not counting bugs, just graphics and such)
I can't put my finger on it but games like Watch Dogs and Assasssins Creed just never grabbed me.
TruthSerum808's comments