For some reason the sound effects in both the zombie modes and the alien co-op modes in this series have always sounded really compressed and degraded when compared to the sound effects of the regular game. This has always bugged me and has kept me from getting into the CoD co-op modes.
There is no story and there are no interesting characters in the game.
People were thinking Destiny was going to be an action rpg with Bungie's trademark quality shooting. Well they got the quality shooting right but they completely failed in creating an action rpg.
Destiny is more co op Halo with some leveling thrown in than any kind of action rpg but even Halo has a story. With Destiny there is practically zero context in the game for doing anything on top of the fact that thete is not enough loot to justify all of the grinding the game asks you to do.
As it stands now Destiny is for people that like shooting things in games llike CoD and Halo. It is not for people that like grinding for loot in games like Borderlands and Diablo or story driven games like Mass Effect.
All that being said I have to say that Destiny is definitely a 7. It gets too many things right for a 6 but it also completely fails at too many things to deserve an 8.
I think most of the six out of ten scores come from disapointment at so much wasted potential more than anything else.
TruthSerum808's comments