Destiny sold itself as an action/rpg hybrid. It nailed the action but completely failed in the rpg part. Mass Effect 3 (not 1 and 2 so much) nails the mixing of action and rpg elements WAY better than Destiny.
Destiny is more co op Halo with some leveling than action/rpg with interesting characters and story.
I have a friend that doesn't game a whole lot but will hundred percent the few games that he does like, such as Fallout 3 and Borderlands.
He doesn't have a next gen system yet (I have Destiny on XB1) but he asked me if I would recommend that he get Destiny for the 360.
I told him that even though the graphics were good and the controls were tight there just wasn't enough content in the game such as loot and different areas to explore.
I recommended that he get Mass Effect 3 instead because its a similar game that is done much better and its only $20 bucks new.
The game is not PUG friendly at all. You shouldn't need to invite other players to go on missions. There needs to be a way for players to simply get together and go on a mission without it being like you're asking stranger after stranger out on a date until one of them finally says yes.
Most of the players you come across are probably doing some other mission anyway. I know Bungie probably thinks a simple lobby would break the immersion but if they are as creative as they think they are they'll think of something.
Two MAJOR problems with Destiny that can be fixed pretty easily to make the game a whole lot better.
1. They need some kind of matchmaking system to make it easier to go on missions with random players that you come across in the world plus the ability to communicate with those same players.
2. The loot system is broken. Big beautiful levels with all kinds of hidden nooks and crannies with next to nothing in them in terms of loot totally misses the piont of what a loot grinding game is supposed to be. All of these well crafted and elaborate levels with nothing in them makes it all feel kind of pointless.
Yeah, I like shooters. I can play'em all day if their good. I don't do pvp much any more but I love a good campaign and co op. ...and there is no way in hell you can say the market is oversaturated with good co op shooters.
Mass Effect 3 mp is the best co op shooter of all time and I was hoping Destiny would at least come close but it doesn't.
TruthSerum808's comments