It's not like Bungie would have to worry about making their game scale graphically and run smoothly on a million different pc configurations on top of making it run on 4 different consoles spread across two generations right?
I'll be getting an X1 when Destiny comes out next year mainly because XBL is better than PSN and the Dualshock 4 is still not as good as the Xbox controller.
I've been with Xbox for the last two generations and I was going to switch over to Playstation until MS finally came to their senses and did a 180.
Now I'll be getting an Xbox One in early 2014 because I trust Live's network stability more than PSN's and I like the Xbox controller a lot more than the Dualshock.
When Microsoft actually does goes through with their wacked out vision of the future I'll switch over to the competition. But right now I'll be sticking with the Xbox brand because I like the XBL experience and the Xbox controller better.
If the PS4 had the Xbox controller I would think a lot harder about switching but I don't like the dualshock 4 at all.
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