The fact that they are still trying to shove the Kinect sensor down peoples throats instead of letting them unplug it if they don't want to use it just shows that Microsoft still doesn't get it.
This just shows that Microsoft still hasn't learned that above all else, people don't want things forced upon them.
If Kinect is so great then let it stand on its own and people will use it if they like it. Forcing people to have it connected just shows that Microsoft doesn't have enough faith in it to let people disconnect it from the machine because they know its a gimmick that most people will never use.
Forcing people to keep it connected also shows that they have some seriously big plans for data mining all of the info that millions of cameras and microphones in peoples living rooms will be pumping out on a daily basis back to Microsofts central servers.
Sony fans don't fool yourselves into thinking for even a minute that Sony wouldn't put in all of those bad policies themselves if they knew they could get away with it.
Sony and MS are the same. Fortunately for Sony they saw Microsoft pointing a gun at their own head, repeatedly pulling trigger and blowing their brains out and said to themselves "Hey...uhh...lets not do that. It looks like it would really hurt and there's blood everywhere"
On top of all of the massive worldwide negative feedback it seems like losing the support of the military was the straw that finally broke the camels back.
If the military can convince them to get rid of that idiotic mandatory Kinect policy then MS could win back a lot more of the goodwill that they have lost in this whole fiasco.
TruthSerum808's comments