People are complaining because Microsoft is calling a massive step backward a "feature". Needing to be connected to the internet does not make the Xbox One more advanced, it makes it LESS advanced.
If every console throughout history needed an internet connection but then a company all of a sudden made a console that could use the internet but didn't need the internet to operate THAT would be an advancement.
All of you Xbone defenders let me tell you that Microsoft is pissing on you and telling you that its raining.....and you're lapping it up like it's lemonade.
The Mass Effect series used to be exclusive to Xbox and it ended up coming to Playstation. There is a strong chance that Titanfall could end up doing the same thing down the line.
At first it was piracy, now its used games. Used games are not an issue on PC and rampant piracy is not really an issue on consoles.
Companies need to buck up and make better games and stop running themselves into the ground with bloated teams and budgets on crappy games. Just about every dev that has gone out of business recently did so because they made crap games or were ran really REALLY badly.
Maybe they blame used game sales for not giving them enough financial wiggle room to make up for really screwing up their businesses themselves. But honestly, who's fault it that? Certainly not the consumers.
I don't have a problem with DLC. I really don't..unless its on the disc. A proper expansion is one of the better ways that a company can convince a consumer not to trade a game in.
I f***ing hate microtransactions though. They need to die.
Nahh, I don't think he's trolling. I think he truly believes what he's saying.
I just think he's too close to see the big picture. Companies need to stop throwing big budgets and huge development teams at game concepts that suck from the very beginning.
TruthSerum808's comments