I'm pretty sure BFBC2 was the last EA game that I have bought on pc. It was a great game. Unfortunately I probably wouldn't have bought Bad Company 3 anyway because it would have been only on Origin.
No it won't. Low internet bandwith makes that virtually impossible. It could ease the burden on your hard drive for something like having bigger levels in an MMO but thats about it. But then we already have that.
Microsoft is counting on people not having enough technical understanding to know that this is total bull###. They know their machine is underpowered when compared to PS4 so now MS is trying to all of a sudden pull THE CLOUD out of their a##.
For those of you that don't understand. The cloud is practical for archive storage or streaming media like movies and music AND THATS IT. The second you hear an MS exec talk about "real time processing" turn the sound off and go make yourself a sandwitch. At least that way you'll get something out of those few minutes of your life that otherwise would have been lost forever.
That may be true but my sides will go into thermonuclear detonation if half a dozen Xbox One conoles are just sitting there on the shelves this coming Chrismas.
I keep having visions of my local Target store gaming section at Christmas time. In it the PS4 shelves are all sold out but the Xbox One shelves are nearly full.
Maybe I have super powers. Am I seeing the future? ........THESE VISIONS..THEY WON'T STOP!!!
Let me ask one question. If the Kinect sensor can be turned off THEN WHY DOES IT STILL NEED TO BE PLUGGED IN???
Microsoft has been lying to everyone since day one about this whole thing. They say that the Xbox One needs the Kinect to operate when everybody and their grandmother knows that it doesn't have to be that way if MS doesn't want it to. With a simple patch they could make the Xbox One run all day every day without the Kinect being connected to it at all.
The same company that is flat out lying to the public is supposed to be trusted with with a microphone and camera in my living room connected to the internet 24/7?
TruthSerum808's comments