You should never have to "check in" to the Microsoft servers if you have a pysical copy of a single player game in the console. I could see having to check in if you are runnig the back up copy on your hard drive but thats it.
You shouldn't even need to check in to their servers for games bought from the XBL marketplace if its a single player game.
The ONLY reason I see the "check in" policy being neccessary is to keep people from duping a game by keeping and playing the backup on their hard drive while selling or giving the pysical copy to someone else. That's it, there should be no other reason.
I remember way back in the 90's when Microsoft was regarded as one of the most evil companies around. Even the government was going after them for being evil.
But then their original Xbox came out and Microsoft practically swore on a stack of bibles that their game division would be different, and it was. For two generations they were great. But leopards can't change their spots. They are what they are. Microsoft is simply reverting back to its true nature.
The funny thihg is that Microsoft is acting like a greedy monopoly when they aren't. Not in the gaming industry. They have REAL competion. Lucky for us or we would all be screwed.
No you can't. Not without unplugging it from the wall socket and disconnecting the ethernet cable. MS has already said that the Xbox One will not turn off. It will simply go into low power mode as it downloads data and updates the system while sleeping.
The government has already said that a person should have no expectatoion of privacy when communicating over the internet. So what happens when everyting said and done in your entire living room 24/7 is over the internet?
The levels of abuse this cute little kiddie game motion sensor could bring is mind boggling.
Good question. You might be stuck with a very expensive brick and a nice set of reflective coasters instead of a game collection because as it stands now the Xbox One will need to connect to the servers once a day to keep operating.
TruthSerum808's comments