@Mendax2013 @TruthSerum808 Sony sold roughly the same amount of hardware but MS easily sold more software over the entire gen. A large chunk of Sony's consoles are late to the game users and Blu Ray only players.
Why is Microsoft acting like an evil bloodsucking monopoly when they BARELY won last gen?
I had an Xbox and an Xbox 360 and loved them both but I wouldn't put the Xbox One in my living room for free. Not with all of the crap that MS is forcing on its customers like always on Kinect spycam, mandatory installs on a 500gb hard drive, no used or borrowed games and required internet access once every 24 hours. Forget it Microsoft. Its not gonna happen.
I have a gaming PC but cmon..you guys sound like those Linux guys that pop into every Windows forum. Some people like myself prefer couch gaming along with the MUCH more streamlined user experience of gaming on a console.
Just take one look at any Steam forum and you'll see dozens of people complaining about how this or that game won't work properly with their system and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Myself, I'll be going PC/PS4 this next gen. But I'll be gaming way more on my PS4.
The form factor alone of the Xbox One shows that MS has no clue about what they are doing anymore. First off the name is stupid. Xbox One? ..wait..wat?....and that design...where is the tracking button?
I wanted to stay with MS because I like the controller but I just can't do it. Way too many negatives with this new system.
I very rarely even buy used games. I prefer having a brand new copy for myself and you can buy new at steep discounts if the game has been out for a while. But that being said, this reported no used games policy stinks to high heaven.
Even today I let a friend of mine at work borrow a game he had never even heard of and then at the last minute realized he wouldn't be able to play it online because it was an EA game. That was a little lame but this is 1000x worse because he would not be able to play it at all.
Well since Sony already won this next gen before its even started you can count on them turning to the dark side once again with PS5. The cycle never ends.
"After dominating with the PS2, Sony got arrogant and that ended up costing them a ton of market share. "
This right here. Why do all generation winning companies turn into giant douchebags the next generation? You would think they would have learned by now.
TruthSerum808's comments