Xbox One is dead in the water if Microsoft doesn't get their act together in a BIG way real fast. I have a 360 and haven't had a Sony console since PS1 but if Xbox One blocks used games its a PS4 this gen.
I have a couple of other problems as well with Xbox One like always on Kinect spy camera. That's a dealbreaker as well.
My other major problem is mandatory hard drive installs that will quickly use all of your hd space forcing you to save to their cloud system which also means no internet no game. Also since they will want to verify the disc if its a mandatory 100% game install how can you do that without an internet connection? You can't that's how.
If Microsoft requires a 100% game install with each new game you very likely will not be able to play it unless you have an internet connection to verify whether or not it is a used game disc.
Now if they stop requiring Origin for all of their pc titles it will be another step in the right direction. Origin wouldn't be evil if it was simply EA's in house online store that existed along side the other online stores like Steam. But noooo, they have to force it down your throat if you want to play on pc. Screw that.
@ziproy Too Human is already a cult success. Just because you don't like it doesn't make it so. Back when it was still new there were a ton of people on the SK website user forums exchanging information and pleading for a follow up to the cliffhanger ending. There are literally thousands of us out here that would pay full price day one for a Too Human: Rise of the Giants.
The problem with EA games of late is that the tech, presentation and basic gameplay mechanics are solid BUT their writers have absolutely no creativity whatsoever. The games look good on the screen but the stories have no soul.
I think Microsoft is just super hardcore and I mean SUPER hard core about making sure these smaller independent games work properly and without any bugs. Just look on the Steam forums for a minute and you will find more user comments than you could possibly count about how this indie game or that indie game is simply riddled with bugs.
TruthSerum808's comments